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Landlord Resources:Supplies


PRICE: $54.97

Absolutely The Best Odor Eliminator Available!

Do you have smelly rentals affecting your rental profits?
Website visitors to our Q & A forum are often asking what's the best way to eliminate an ODOR problem? The ANSWER is ODORXIT!!

If any of your rentals have any of these common odor problems - order ODORXIT today to eliminate all the odors!!
* Cat Urine Smells Embedded in Carpets and Floors?
* Mold, Musty or Mildew Odors?
* Male Cat 'Territorial Spray' Odors?
* Dog Feces Odors in Carpets and Floors?
* Stale Urine Smells Around Toilets?
* Garbage Odors From Under Sinks or From Appliances?
* Odors From Dead Animals That Died In the Building?

Professional property managers and apartment maintenance staffs use OdorXit because they know it is the only product that really works. They can't afford to waste time on a "turnover" and neither can you. Don't recarpet, repaint or refinish floors without first trying OdorXit. It gets rid of odors easily and economically. One 16 ounce bottle makes four gallons of spray. Enough to do dozens of "spot" jobs or a couple of big ones.

Easy To Use - And It's Guaranteed To Work

Just dilute OdorXit with water, and then spray the house or apartment. Hit the source of the ordor - urine, feces, hormonal sprays, decayed organic matter, mold, mildew and more -- imbedded in the carpets, wood flooring, tiled floors or walls. The odor will be gone. We guarantee it, or you will get back your purchase price!

When you have odor problems reach for your bottle of OdorXit. Don't lose any rent or delay putting your property on the market because of odors. Remember, it is guaranteed to work. So put OdorXit to the test. Each
16 ounce bottle is $49.97 plus only $5.00 for priority shipping.

PLUS, by buying it on, you receive a FREE bonus spray bottle ($3.99 value) and are ready to use your bottle of OdorXit Concentrate as soon as it arrives in your mail. Don’t waste time going to the store or searching for a clean spray bottle to mix your OdorXit Concentrate and water solution. Add ½ ounce (that’s right, just a really small amount) of OdorXit Concentrate to the 16oz bottle, then fill it with water. You are now ready to use your OdorXit Concentrate solution on your nastiest odor problems!

Click below to order one or more bottles now and eliminate your odor problems!

PRICE: $54.97

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