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Landlord Resources:Books


#WS196 THE FEE BIBLE (New 4th Edition)

Suggested Retail: $24.99        SALE PRICE: $22.49

A Detailed Guide to Property Management and Landlord Fees

Every so often there is a new book that comes out which is a GAME CHANGER!. THIS book is one of those resources that EVERY landlord should have. When you first look at The Fee Bible, you might assume we want to nickle-and-dime every tenant and customer we have. This is far from the truth. Over the years, we have learned that the right charges can help manage the property, save time, and increase revenue. In most cases your customers will actually thank you for these additional options.

This no-nonsense guide is completely devoid of fluff. It cuts right to the chase. It includes step-by-step instructions with now 60 different services and fees for landlords and property managers to use. Each chapter includes:
-How much to charge
-Who should pay
-Pros and Cons
-How to explain the service or fee to tenants
-What needs to be included in the lease

This book is a MUST-READ for both the novice landlord and the experienced property manager because it takes a broad view of both basics and more innovative approaches to services and fees. The services outlined allow you to manage rental properties more efficiently, provide better service, and actually get compensated for your work.

The authors have over 20 years' experience in residential property management. They teach at various apartment associations and landlord organizations. In fact, we are also excited that they had joined us at one of our MrLandlord National Conventions. They have managed thousands of properties from single family homes to multi-family complexes. They have helped and trained many landlords and property managers increase their income and improve their management systems.

Order this resource today for only $22.49 plus FREE shipping!

#WS196 THE FEE BIBLE (New 4th Edition)
Suggested Retail: $24.99        SALE PRICE: $22.49

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