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Specials:Landlord Gifts



Suggested Retail: $20        SALE PRICE: $15.00
Size: Large

This official souvenir T-shirt is worn to celebrate the fact that you have SURVIVED as a landlord. Anyone who has survived for more than 3 years (which is considered your "boot-camp" trial period) has reason to celebrate that you have lasted longer than the average rental property owner.

This shirt makes a great gift for a landlord or landlady! Buy this shirt for yourself or as a gift to be given to a family member, friend or fellow landlord to give special recognition of "surviving" as a Landlord for more than 3 years!

When Landlords wear this shirt they can have a sense of achievement that they are a survivor in one of the toughest businesses known to man, a business in which you receive little thanks and recognition for providing a tremendous service to others and to your community. Well, this shirt is just one small way of reminding yourself or letting another landlord or landlady know that they are indeed recognized for surviving and for what they do!

The shirt comes in light gray with black print, in a variety of sizes, from Medium, Large, X-Large, and 2X. Call if you don't see your size, 1-800-950-2250.

Printed on the front of the shirt is the following, "I Survived the Landlord Boot Camp."

Suggested Retail: $20        SALE PRICE: $15.00
Size: Large

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