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Landlord Resources:Books


#P137 SECTION 8 BIBLE (Volume II)

Suggested Retail: $36        SALE PRICE: $18.00


There's been a lot of buzz on about a book called the SECTION 8 BIBLE VOLUME II. If you rent to Section 8, low income or residents in low to middle income areas, you are considering it, we highly recommend that you get a copy of the Section 8 Bibles Volume II.

The Section 8 Bible is an excellent guide on How To SUCCEED with Section 8 and /or low income Housing or challenging inner-cities properties.
Discover how the author and his partner has carved out a nice living in not-so-nice neighborhoods! The authors share the good, the bad and ugly. Nothing is held back.

There are many money saving tips found in this book, which will save you far more than the price of the book. The book reveals how the authors started out with only $34,000 between the two of them and ended up buying and renting over 300 homes, all to Section 8 tenants. The authors have come up with hundreds of shortcuts and different ways of getting around many of the annoying Section 8 rules and codes and they share numerous money saving and tenant-proofing tips. The tips in these books are hands down the best in the business for dealing with Section 8 and low income residents.

Here are a couple of recent comments from our Q&A Forum by other landlords who've read it -

Section 8 Bible (by Alan [CA])
We bought & recommend it.

Section 8 Bible (by Gail K [GA])
A real estate friend of mine just finished reading it and lent it to me. I've been reading volume I at lunch. Lots of good information..

Section 8 Bible (by michelle [MS])
VERY good book. good to use for low-income houses as well.

You will find tons of hard-earned information.

In this volume we will be holding nothing back! If you liked Volume I, you're gonna love Volume II!

Volume I was a feeler of sorts. We put out a great book and we also saw what we could get away with. This time around, we're gonna push it to the limit. In fact, we're gonna go over the limit and rip the roof off this Section 8 land lording business!

So sit down, get a nice drink, a bag of popcorn, and get ready to laugh, learn, and save with the greatest landlord book ever written- The Section 8 Bible Volume II is finally here!!!

The regular price of this book normally sells for $36. Now, for a limited time, you can buy the Section 8 Bible Volume 2 for HALF PRICE - only $18 (Save $18 off the regular price, plus FREE shipping!)

Click to add this resource to your cart. Once again, if you rent to Section 8 or low income residents, the Section 8 Bible Volume II is an absolute must!

#P137 SECTION 8 BIBLE (Volume II)
Suggested Retail: $36        SALE PRICE: $18.00

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