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Newsletters:Sampler Pack



Suggested Retail: $50        SALE PRICE: $10.00


Have you never subscribed to the Mr. Landlord newsletter?

If you have never subscribed to the popular Mr. Landlord newsletter, take advantage of this special offer. Instead of paying the regular price of $99 for 12 "collector" issues. Your cost is only $10 for 12 of the best issues from the last 12 years that we will hand pick for you.

Yes, you read right. Receive 12 of the best issues of the Mr Landlord newsletter for only 10 bucks! We are calling this our Newsletter Sampler Pack! We will send you 12 handpicked popular issues from the past 12 years that were full of some of our most popular articles. The following are newsletter topics from one recent year alone:

* I Now Like Cash!
* Marketing Available Rentals
* Saving Energy And Money
* Avoiding The Appearance Of Discrimination
* The True Value Of A Property Management Company
* Money--Powerful Incentive To Settle
* Are You Hiring The Right Residents?
* Why Should I Rent From You?
* Myface And Spacebook
* The 50% Rule Of Finding A Resident
* How To Properly Handle A Rental Application
* Calculating The ROI On Your Rental
* Frozen Or Busted Pipes
* What Does "Bonded" And "Insured" Mean?
* Five Easy Ways To Give Your Rentals More Curb Appeal
* The #1 Most Vital Property Tool Is An Emergency Calling List
* Reading Someone's Body Language
* Landlord Sues The Dish Network--And Wins!
* List Resident-Caused Damages As Additional Rent
* 6 Preventative Maintenance Tips
* Avoiding A Craigslist Rental Scam
* 7 Tips For Resident Retention In A Lessee's Market
* Secret Weapon To Increase Traffic & Fill Vacancies
* Prior Landlord's Word On Prospective Residents: How Much Is It Worth?
* How To Attract "Generation Y" Residents For Your Rental Properties
* Spring Sprucing
* Periodic Inspections To Preserve Property Values
* Employment And Income Verification
* Master Leasing (A Different Type Of Business Model)
* Dealing With Messy Residents/ Avoidance Measures
* What A Fire Taught Me
* Always Get It In Writing & In The Lease
* How To Paint A Baseboard With Wall-To-Wall Carpet
* Add Some Color To Your Notice
* Do You Need Worker's Comp?
* 6 Common Landlord Mistakes When Handling Repairs
* Tips From The Savvy Landlord
* What Is A Fast Way To Increase Resident Retention?
* The Resident Who Ran Out Of Checks
* Utilities In A Resident's Name
* Frontline Asset Protection Against Lawsuits
* Residents Want A Home
* Smells Can Increase Your Sales
* Tips From The Savvy Landlord
* Is Resident Paperwork In Order?
* Time-Saving Tips For Landlords
* Why Mobile Home Parks Can Be A Great Rental Investment
* The Slob Elimination Program
* Develop Priority Waiting Lists
* Add Pizzazz!
* Renting To College Students: What You Should Know
* Introducing The Eliminator Checklist!
* Tips From The Savvy Landlord
* 3 Ways To Improve Your Resident's Performance
* Overcoming Objections
* The Most Common Objection
* The Slob Elimination Program Part II
* Move-In Inspection
* Six Safety Guidelines For
* How To Get Your Tenants To Stay For At Least Three
* It's Not The Knowing--It's The Doing
* Meth Lab, Now What?
* When Pulling A Credit Report Is Permissible And
* How To Change Property Managers
* 7 Fall Maintenance Tips
* The Power Of A Structure--It Can Make Or Break You!
* 5 Steps For Inner City Landlords
* The Pre-Emptive Strike
* Follow Up Tips After Showing
* What If My Resident Passes Away?
* Sealing Your House
* Follow The Law Regarding Late Fees
* My First Group Home
* Conduct A "Home Visit"--Clues To Profitability
* Hoarding Is Now Recognized As A Mental Disorder
* Protect Your Investment And Discourage Crime With Curb Appeal
* Items To Consider Removing From Rentals
* Lawsuits Happen
* Occupancy Standards 101 For Housing Providers

I guarantee you that all these collector issues have helpful to your cash-flow. If you have never been a subscriber, this "sampler" deal is the absolute most inexpensive and best way to become familiar with many of the money making management strategies shared in Mr. Landlord over the years. Plus, you will see dozens of cash flow tips, along with cost-saving management, maintenance and resident retention tips.

Save $89 and more significantly, get information that can make or save you hundreds or thousands of dollars. Again if you have never subscribed, you've got to see a sampling of what you have been missing! For a limited time, take advantage of this Mr. Landlord Newsletter Sampler Pack for ONLY $10 with FREE shipping!

Suggested Retail: $50        SALE PRICE: $10.00

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