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Wealth Building Books:Home Study Courses



PRICE: $299.00

Wow, Wow, Wow!

That's all I can say as I've been listening to the audio recordings of the recent Convention
and making final edits. It's amazing to hear the hundreds of ideas that were shared throughout the 3 days. The only way one can fully appreciate and squeeze out all the valuable cash flow and wealth building ideas is to be able to listen to the teaching and brainstorming sessions over and over again. In fact, we are making available the entire collection of the audio training from our most recent convention. Click down below to order.

This is the first time we ever recorded and made available an entire Convention. The theme of this year's convention was "Determined to Succeed". Though I served as host and was present for the entire event, I am in awe of and reminded of the volume of ideas for those of you who are determined to succeed. So many of the tips that were shared I'm "really" hearing for the first time as I review the audio. Moving forward from this game changing event, I know I will be able to implement tons more big and little ideas shared by instructors, and from the wealth of experiences of other successful landlords who also shared. That will make this event far more valuable to me and you as you hear the ideas again and again at your own pace and convenience.

I encourage you to order your own copy of 3 Day Audio Training from this Convention, which is all on flash drive and can be played or downloaded on most devices. I believe you too will be amazed at the sheer volume of ideas shared on a wide range of landlording and investing topics. And as you know, it only takes a few of these ideas that can inspire you to implement which can make a huge impact on your rental property success for years to come.

We had many informative teaching sessions, including national real estate instructors and very successful rental property owners who willingly shared of their experiences and success strategies they have used with their rentals. Added to that, were a couple of two-hour bonus brainstorming sessions at the end of the Day One and Day Two which included "priceless" unedited straight-talk nuggets of information shared by landlords nationwide.

Below is an outline of the topics shared over the 3 days. Trust me however, this outline does not come anywhere close to letting you know ALL the ideas covered and imparted over the 3 days.


Jeffrey Taylor– New Day for Landlords!

Mike Todd, IRA Innovations – Growing Wealth with IRAs

David Tilney – If Rental Income is Passive Why isn't Landlording?

Jeffrey Taylor / Brad Grayson – Landlording After Covid

Billy Brown, Investors Capital Group – Explode Your Wealth

Josh Kahane – Legally Fighting the Moratoriums

Andy Sommer – Automate Your Systems

Wendy Harvey – Turning the Tables on Turnovers

George Antone – Hacking the Game of Finance!

Landlording/Investing Brainstorming & Exchange Sessions


Jeffrey Taylor – Stay Focused and Still Get Paid!

Shawn Woedl, NREIG – What You Need to Know About Insurance

David Tilney – Screening Applicants Who Become Great Stewards

Chad Harris – Raising Money with Private Lenders

Bernard James, Investors Capital Group – Insider's Funding Secrets

Mike Butler – 107 Proven "Rapid Fire" Tips in Our New Normal

Dave Rosenberger – Repairs & Renovation

Bill Noll – Tax Savings Strategies

Landlording/Investing Brainstorming & Exchange Sessions


Jeffrey Taylor – Steps to Effectively Recruiting Qualified Applicants

Mike Butler – Consistently Get Paid Over 100% of Your Rents

David Tilney – Can't Buy in a Seller's Market? Consider Renting for Profit!

Patti Robertson – Using HUDs Rules to YOUR Advantage

Jeffrey Taylor – Landlording Challenges Increased My Cash Flow!

Many who attended the Convention have already ordered their copy of the training which should be completely edited and ready for shipment within the next week. If you have not yet ordered your copy, I encourage you to order your copy today of the 3 Day Convention Training. And if you were not present at the Convention, my, my, my, do yourself a great favor and order now. You have no idea the tons of landlording ideas you missed that will add to your rental success.

Here's just a couple comments from those who were present at the Convention:

"Wow!! The convention was really great! I learned many ways to work smarter and also grow the business in the right way. I felt very worn down by the business prior to attending and sometimes wanted to quit. After attending this past weekend, I feel really energized, better equipped, and ready to go forward. Thank you Jeffrey for hitting it out of the park again. God bless you!" - A.R. ID

"TONS of IDEAS! I have just created a spreadsheet which contains the ideas that I wrote down that need to be implemented or at a minimum thought through to decide if there is a use in our business. This spreadsheet is 3 pages long and only contains the items I wrote down. Once this is all compiled, I will meet with my staff to parcel out the ideas for implementation and further research :) Thank you Jeffrey and Dot for another excellent convention!" - Lisenby, WI.

I guarantee you, that with nearly 24 hours of ideas shared, you will get FAR more value than the cost. And most significantly, as you listen to (and implement) the ideas over and over, with each hearing, the value to your rental success will continue to rise! Price of the 3 Day Audio Training is only $299 for a limited time. Call 1-800-950-2250 or click below now to order online.

PRICE: $299.00

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