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Landlord Resources:Rental Forms



Suggested Retail: $10        SALE PRICE: $10.00

The most often asked question from visitors to the website is, "Do you know where I can get a sample Rental Application on the internet? The answer is right here! You can get a basic rental application for FREE right from our website.

I would recommend that you order our Comprehensive Rental Application Report with all the questions Jeffrey Taylor uses to help guarantee that you:
1) Can immediately identify a potential deadbeat
2) Choose the most qualified applicant who will not only pay rent on time, but also will be most likely to stay "several" years and indicates from the answers to unique application questions will take best care of your property.
3)Greatly increase the odds that you will still be able to collect monies even if your future resident has unforeseen financial problems.

You won't find a more comprehensive set of suggested rental application questions anywhere! This comprehensive application is one of the forms in the THE LANDLORD'S KIT, the #1 bestselling book on this website (was also recently the #1 bestselling business and investing book on In fact, the best buy for someone who wants to get a great comprehensive rental application is to pay a few dollars more and buy THE LANDLORD'S KIT

Our comprehensive sample application is also part of our New FORMS CD, which includes over 100 rental forms that you can edit, customize and print.

CLICK HERE if you need one "state-specific" rental form (application or other form) that you can download immediately.

If you are ordering our comprehensive application report, once you make your request, we will email it to you within 48 to 72 hours. The suggested questions will make a BIG difference in the residents you select. If you already have a rental application that you are currently using, may we strongly suggest that you definitely order our sample report(only five bucks) and review the questions asked on our sample application (learned the hard way). Because, I can guarantee you, there are probably at least five to ten key questions that you are not now asking, that would greatly help your tenant selection process (especially if you are just using a basic type of application that most landlords use). Take your screening effectiveness to a higher notch!

What makes our sample application unique and well worth reviewing is that it incorporates many of the cash flow generating ideas that Jeffrey Taylor (editor of shares in the newsletter and teaches at his seminars. Do not select another resident without first getting answers to the questions our comprehensive application report asks. It can mean the difference of $500 to an extra $1,000 in net profit this year alone. Remember, our comprehensive application is just one of more than 100 forms in The Landlord's Kit. Click here to order that bestselling resource (a $100 value). Or just order the comprehensive application.

Suggested Retail: $10        SALE PRICE: $10.00

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