GIGANTIC GOLD CLUB NEWSLETTER MEMBERSHIP BONUS PACKAGE! 12 FUTURE ISSUES, 12 PREVIOUS POPULAR ISSUES & 30 MORE FREE BONUSES In recognition of our 30th year serving rental property owners, we are offering the biggest subscription package we've ever made available. This Gold Club Newsletter membership includes a one year subscription for $99. Receive 12 future newsletters mailed to your home and you will have immediate download access to 12 most informative previous issues. As part of our 30 year celebration, we have developed a whole new section of our website so that subscribers and members can now have immediate download access to the free bonuses included with your membership. Starting with 50+ more FREE bonuses you will have immediate access as a new member/subscriber who sign up through the new section of our web site. Understand the newsletter included in your membership package is MUCH more than the free email newsletter available on this site that only includes a tip or two. The printed newsletter included in this gigantic membership package offers several complete money making/saving management articles, numerous tips and a new "ready-to-use" rental form in every issue. This subscription package's total value is up to $1,000+.
Look below to see all you'll get.). * You will receive 12 upcoming money making management issues, * Plus 24 free previous issues of our most popular newsletter with informative management topics with over 100 Cash Flow ideas that you will immediately have access ($99 bonus value) PLUS, you get access to a Copy of Jeffrey Taylor's Personal Rental Agreement! As many of you know, Jeffrey has both single family rentals and multi-unit properties. Jeffrey just recently updated his lease that he uses with his multi-unit properties (small & large) and he's making it available to you so that you can see and compare all his provisions. His lease, like many owners', is always a work in progress with new rental clauses or provisions added and modified annually. This lease now includes 77 highly effective clauses that will greatly minimize your expenses and risks plus increase the performance level of your residents. Trust me! You've got to take a look at this lease to see what clauses you may want to consider adding to your lease to dramatically reduce your headaches and expenses! Of course, we must add the disclaimer to check it with a local attorney, because many states have guidelines which include specific wording and format requirements that must be in your lease.
The BIG value in taking a look at Jeffrey's latest updated agreement is that you will have an opportunity to see how he uses lease language to drastically reduce his expenses and risks and get his residents to cooperate with him (and refer others). I guarantee that you will discover clauses that will make your current lease even more effective.... *Please Note: While some landlords try to make their lease a document that fully protects their interest, the lease is often one-sided totally in favor of the landlord. That is not the case with Jeffrey's lease. He believes that your agreement should have provisions that benefit BOTH parties, which has helped him greatly with keeping good residents. So purposely included in this document are clauses that the resident will be able to perceive that there are benefits in the lease for them. ($20 if bought separately). As part of your Gigantic Gold Club Newsletter membership, you will be given immediate access. The increase-in-cash-flow and peace of mind value you will get from this lease alone is truly worth the whole package price. In fact, just one or two of these clauses is well worth far more than the entire package price. There is no need for you to learn the hard way and lose hundreds of dollars before you realize you should have included a particular rental clause or two in your lease. You may just as well learn from the many school-of-hard-knock lessons Jeffrey has gone through over the last 30 years. I would dare say that many of these clauses has cost him hundreds of dollars (some even thousands) before he realized or learned he could have saved himself dearly or made FAR more rental income by simply having a particular clause in his lease, especially the new clauses that he's added from recent experiences just in the last six months alone. * PLUS INSTANT ACCESS TO TWO FREE REPORTS * HOW TO COLLECT RENTS ON TIME Are you still collecting rent the old-fashioned way? This specialized report focuses on a couple of recommended "no-hassle" ways to collect rent on-time, every time. $10 value. * FILLING VACANCIES FAST 150 inexpensive, easy to implement ways are highlighted to help you fill your vacancies faster. $15 value. YOU WANT MORE? * PLUS OVER 150 RENTAL FORMS Receive a copy of THE LANDLORD'S KIT, the bestselling resource by Jeffrey Taylor with over 150 rental forms, which includes a sample rental application, rental lease, move-in checklist, sample rent-raising letters, and numerous checklists, disclosures, notices and resident letters for all types of rental situations. This book includes almost every rental form you will ever need as a rental property owner, guaranteed to improve your management success. The forms includes marketing, screening, retention, maintenance and turnover forms that are worth literally hundreds of dollars when purchased from consultants in other industries. You can receive them all for free! We are in the process of loading more and more of the forms to the download section of our website so that you can have immediate access to them. In the mean time, once you are a Gold or Platinum Member/Subscriber, if you've never received Jeffrey's bestselling book and want it, just simply call our offices, 757-436-2606, and it will be shipped to you for free.
PLUS 50 ADDITIONAL RENTAL FORMS new and updated forms (marketing, resident retention and more) that we have made available to subscribers since the original publication of the revised edition of THE LANDLORD'S KIT YOU WANT MORE? * Plus Two FREE Audio Training by Jeffrey Taylor. The title of this training is How to Eliminate Tenant Turnover and Increase Profits! Plus 6 Ways to Increase Rental Income By Thousands
Free Video Training by Jeffrey Taylor. The title of this training is Introduction to Money Making Management
This complete GIGANTIC GOLD CLUB MEMBERSHIP PACKAGE includes: * 12 upcoming Mr. Landlord newsletters, * The Landlord's Kit with over 150 Rental Forms (mailed with your first newsletter issue)
Plus 30 FREE BONUSES (available for immediate access): * 12 previous popular newsletter issues,
*50 Additional Rental Forms * Jeffrey's updated lease * TWO free special reports * Two Audio Training - How to Eliminate Tenant Turnover & increase Rental Income by Thousands * One Video Training - Introduction to Money Making Management Your cost for this Gigantic Membership Subscription Package is only $99, $129 for outside the U.S.
Click now to go to the new Download section of our website to sign up for gigantic Gold Club membership package or if you prefer call 757-436-2606. STILL HUNGRY FOR MORE - BELIEVE IT OR NOT - HERE'S ONE MORE BONUS! For a limited time, for those who sign up now, you will also have immediate access to a bonus audio training where Ron LeGrand interviews and shares ideas with Jeffrey Taylor. The interview/training is titled: DOUBLE YOUR RENTAL INCOME (an extra $49.95 value). If you order by phone, when you call, be sure to ask for the extra AUDIO CD BONUS.
In our 30 year history, this is the absolute best subscription offer we have ever made available to new subscribers. This is a limited time offer, click now to go to the new Download section of our website and sign-up!
We do not want to leave anyone wanting... Just in case you are still "old-school" and prefer not to download the bonuses (nor have access to the online section of our site), and instead wish to only have all the resources shipped to you the "old fashion way", you can click the "Add to My Cart" button below. *Please note: If you choose to have resources shipped, bonus items will be shipped instead of having online access to the bonuses, and we will ship additional new bonuses on your anniversary date, should you renew your subscription at that time. $20 is added to the subscription cost to cover shipping cost.
#DSU1 Gold Club Newsletter Membership / Subscription
PRICE: $119.00