Top 100 Contributors of the Year "Board of Advisors" 6x6 [TN] (2611) zero [IN] (2306) NE [PA] (2078) Ray-N-Pa [PA] (1920) plenty [MO] (1591) WMH [NC] (1357) BRAD 20,000 [IN] (1346) Ken [NY] (1213) Mapleaf18 [NY] (1065) DJ [VA] (812) RB [TN] (783) S i d [MO] (690) MikeA [TX] (641) GKARL [PA] (637) Robert,OntarioCanada [ON] (601) Robert J [CA] (547) Jason [VA] (493) Vee [OH] (472) Oregon Woodsmoke [ID] (439) Bonanza [NC] (428) Small potatoes [NY] (424) OREO [WI] (366) Busy [WI] (346) MC [PA] (344) Sisco [MO] (336) Richard [MI] (302) Still Learning [NH] (298) Allym [NJ] (293) Hoosier [IN] (291) Robin [WI] (274) Roy [AL] (273) John... [MI] (271) tryan [MA] (256) Jim [CA] (255) Deanna [TX] (255) Pat [VA] (245) Tim [CA] (244) jonny [NY] (241) Just Tim [AR] (212) Tony [NJ] (191) Phil [OR] (190) Steve [MA] (187) BillW [NJ] (187) Scott [IN] (182) Nicole [PA] (178) don [PA] (141) ned [AL] (121) gevans [SC] (105) Dodge [PA] (104) Jim in O C [CA] (103) Pmh [TX] (102) Wilma [PA] (94) Hollis [MA] (92) W [CA] (92) Larry [MN] (90) Chicago LL [IL] (87) Renne [TX] (85) Gene [OH] (84) Sir Walter [NC] (82) Moshe [CA] (80) MAT [PA] (79) RentsDue [MA] (75) Colleen [FL] (75) Duplexer [IL] (70) Marv [IL] (68) JAC [OH] (67) Lucy [IN] (64) LisaFL [FL] (64) Mike45 [NV] (62) Mike SWMO [MO] (62) MMIT [VA] (62) T [IN] (62) DonV [OH] (61) RR78 [VA] (60) PG [SC] (60) Jeffrey [VA] (59) Lisa [TX] (59) Doogie [KS] (58) Jo [CT] (56) Sean [OR] (55) Frank [NJ] (54) Mike [PA] (52) Landlord ofthe Flies [TX] (50) David [MO] (49) bet [MA] (49) Ryan24 [MD] (48) Sean [MA] (45) melinda [MD] (44) Homer [TX] (44) dave [CA] (41) Heartland [NC] (41) Rick [IN] (41) FloridaNative [FL] (38) Libi [NY] (37) Ed [CA] (36) Kevin [FL] (34) CDM [CA] (33) AL [NC] (33) Laker Lori [CA] (32) mike [CA] (32) |
Top 100 Discussions of the Year (last 365 days) OT: Election Day Odds (112) must accept RAFT?!! (71) Newly On Market (66) #1 rental upgrade (66) The future of maintenance (65) Gov. propped up buyers (62) Be patient or lower rent (60) How old or young are you? (59) Convention 2024 (58) Making a change (57) Indiana law seals evict (57) Favorite LL vehicle (56) Any bought TeslaTruck yet (56) Judge wouldn't listen (55) OT- Insurance up 22% (55) Another Twist of Fate (51) Hire it all out, right? (50) Will deport cause vacncy? (49) ESA form letter (48) Paying Cash for Home ? (48) OT: Bad pain, weak meds (47) Writing a Will. Thoughts? (47) No listings / no inquiry (47) When did you…. (46) Let the gaaames begin! (46) Kamala vs Rentals (46) AI Prompting (45) Rent raise w/ vacant poll (45) OT: Covid (45) Tenant ESA (44) I've Had It! (42) Above market rent (42) City Inspection (42) tenant drain backing up (42) Transgender backgrd check (41) Too big! (41) Dirty Tenants (40) Holiday evictions (39) recover money (39) On site manager (39) Jury Duty (39) Brad Nailer / Cordless (38) 6x6 where we first met... (38) OT-Airport security (38) Evict a 6 year tenant? (38) Check out my Zillow Ad (38) 1st air bnb experience (38) Time to Go (37) Why so many bad applicant (37) What is Wealth? (37) Hated for having business (37) Small lawsuit (37) Screening question (36) Election Posters (36) Married or No? (36) Only 2 yr credit history? (36) confusing market (36) translate (36) Missing Tenant (35) What Professions? (35) outrageous texts (35) Jeffrey (35) Fat-phobia law on LLs (34) Christmas Present Survey (34) No LL call back (34) service animals (34) prove you sent money (34) Election and the Market (34) Denying s8 because of low (33) Rent increase amount (33) Best Excuses Thread (33) DIY Disgusting jobs (33) Good Cause Passes NY (33) Alternative to Blinds? (33) Bum magnet house (33) Unauthorized tenants (33) why? (33) Cleaning lady #2 bid (33) Jury trial for Eviction (33) ESA - must I take? (33) Rent Raise Complaints (32) Goodbye LLC (32) Renovation Lessons (32) thoughts? (32) Stupid questions cut-off? (32) Them, the dogs, or both? (32) Red Flag Phrases (32) Income : Housing Cost (32) Thinking of charging (32) Advertising problems (32) Heavy Cream - OT (32) Gangs Seize NY & Chi Apts (32) Owners Still In (32) Clause for EV chargers (32) fire blanket? (32) Prospective Tenant (31) DollarCost Avg w/houses? (31) Inllation capped rent 25% (31) New Years Rant (31) Prices must come down! (31) |