W/ Offices Filling BackUp
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W/ Offices Filling BackUp (by Ray-N-Pa [PA]) Nov 27, 2024 1:26 PM
       W/ Offices Filling BackUp (by WMH [NC]) Nov 27, 2024 4:05 PM
       W/ Offices Filling BackUp (by Richard [MI]) Nov 27, 2024 4:12 PM
       W/ Offices Filling BackUp (by 6x6 [TN]) Nov 28, 2024 9:58 AM
       W/ Offices Filling BackUp (by Oregon Woodsmoke [ID]) Nov 28, 2024 12:56 PM
       W/ Offices Filling BackUp (by T [IN]) Nov 29, 2024 3:23 PM
       W/ Offices Filling BackUp (by WMH [NC]) Nov 30, 2024 10:12 AM
       W/ Offices Filling BackUp (by mapleaf18 [NY]) Nov 30, 2024 10:51 AM

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W/ Offices Filling BackUp (by Ray-N-Pa [PA]) Posted on: Nov 27, 2024 1:26 PM

As a more rural landlord, I have benefited from the WFH movement that occurred as a byproduct of C-19. When the huge companies said you could work from home, many folks moved away from urban centers and into lower cost areas.

Amazon, Alphabet, Apple, Zoom and Dell all have required employees to return back to the office. It is a tough comminute to Amazon in Seattle if you live in Western Pa.

Has anyone out there lost a tenant due to the return to office?


W/ Offices Filling BackUp (by WMH [NC]) Posted on: Nov 27, 2024 4:05 PM

I haven't had that exact issue yet but the sale prices *are* falling like rain. People who moved here to live at the beach and work remotely getting called back to work? Looks like it.

Of course having 10 houses over 4 years time just fall into the ocean on national TV isn't great advertisement either. No, it's actually not global warming or climate change. It's bad development on a barrier island that undulates naturally with time. --72.82.xx.xx

W/ Offices Filling BackUp (by Richard [MI]) Posted on: Nov 27, 2024 4:12 PM


Good observation on the houses returning to the sea. I've lived on barrier islands before and the sandbars do change, especially if they put jetty's on them anywhere. One I lived on in South Carolina, we had our house right on the beach then. Now it's changed and there is a street where the yard to the beach was and 2 rows of houses where I used to fish. The sandbar went out a half mile or so and there are houses on it all the way out. Next good hurricane it may well return to the sea.

I also remember overnighting in my van on Okracoke Island in 1972 when a small hurricane hit it. We were parked in the parking lot of the lighthouse. Good thing it was a small hurricane or it would have been interesting.

Best to you. R --75.7.xx.xx

W/ Offices Filling BackUp (by 6x6 [TN]) Posted on: Nov 28, 2024 9:58 AM

Personally, I hope they all have to return to the office. I would like to get more locals applying as all I seem to be getting is mostly out of state. I do wonder why they are requiring them to return to the office though? I have read where some were taking vacations that were not approved and claiming to be working. No surprise there. --73.108.xxx.xxx

W/ Offices Filling BackUp (by Oregon Woodsmoke [ID]) Posted on: Nov 28, 2024 12:56 PM

My area had a huge influx of the work from home people. I'll be really happy if they all go back home. I don't even care if it drops my property value. They are ruining the area I live in.

Right now, all of my tenants have local jobs so they will not be called back to the office. But there are possibly thousands of people in this area that might have to move back to Seattle. That will have some effect on prices and rent. Bring it on.


W/ Offices Filling BackUp (by T [IN]) Posted on: Nov 29, 2024 3:23 PM

I haven't notice it on the residential side at all. My office building, since the insurance company sold to a bigger insurance company... I notice less cars at the building and people in the office. Assuming more of a hybrid system now. Some might have lost their job due to job overlap with higher up corporate (ex: payroll)

I was in Chicago last summer walking down Michigan Ave. Two guys talking behind me while my wife and I were walking along site seeing. Over heard the one guy: "I got 9 people working under me. 5 come in all the time, set hours. the other four, they do their work... but from home mostly... at odd hours. They seem to be happy, but the work flow really stinks. Those four seem to be out of the "loop".

This last project took an extra two weeks because of them..." I so bad wanted to turn around and go, "your the ________ boss, tell them to get in the office. Even if it is for a set 4 days...or find a new job." --170.203.xxx.xx

W/ Offices Filling BackUp (by WMH [NC]) Posted on: Nov 30, 2024 10:12 AM

Some jobs can totally be done more efficiently from home.

I was an "outside sales rep" whose job was to BE outside, calling on customers. On in-office days, I worked from home.

I was definitely more productive than when a new company bought us and required us all to come in the office when we weren't calling on customers. Sounds reasonable until you realize we were assigned territories all over the region and for many of the us, the drive to the office was a total waste of time and gas. Actually cut into our working day.

And the water-cooler conversations oy vey! EVERY morning people stopped by my cubicle (who designed those h*ll holes?) to chat about last night's tv show, their evening, their coming day...it took hours every morning to get everyone to work (it felt like...) I would cover my ears sometimes...

I finally brought in a shower curtain and hung it across my cubicle to keep people away from me!

And then the lunches! If I worked from home I ate at my desk. If I was in the office I da*n sure took my time and ate out with colleagues.

My DIL works from home. She is on zoom all day. Going to the office would cut 2 hours commute from her day - I mean HER day not the company's. --173.28.xx.xxx

W/ Offices Filling BackUp (by mapleaf18 [NY]) Posted on: Nov 30, 2024 10:51 AM

I have two tenants who work from home exclusively. One works for the state/contractor for the state and the other works as a government grant writer, draw your own conclusions.

Private sector is moving back to the offices. --64.246.xxx.xx

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