I began to shop for faucets for a remodel, I'm selling a single family home, 4 bedrooms and 2 bathroom. I managed to find on sale from a big box store a kitchen deck mounted faucet with a pull down sprayer, and two chrome nickel bathroom faucets for a grand total of $100 with taxes and shipping included. There were not junk faucets, just closeouts since the styles and new modes were coming out.
So another local landlord was going to remodel an apartment, NOT A HOME and found a faucet he liked for the kitchen. Since he hadn't the time to pick up and install the faucet he hired a plumber--someone he's used for years.
Going the the landlords demands, the plumber went to his local plumbing supply house and purchased a new faucet for $380, a name brand. Then installed it using the old supply lines and not replacing the washers in the drain tubing pipes. His labor and parts came to over $600.
I ALWAYS tell EVERYONE that you should always replace supply lies when changing out a faucet, toilet or any fixture. And during a tenant change out and remodel, always check drain tubes for wear, but always check the connecting washers.
This landlord had his plumber buy the replacement faucet and did no maintenance work.
So the landlord spent 3x-6x in the faucet replacement and anyhow there was a long term leak and now he has old issues and cleanup. He's going to spend over $20,000 with the mold abatement and repairs.
This ended up being an expensive $21,000 faucet, while my was only $100...