Your best bet here is to pick out whatever single major damage event the tenant has caused, and tell them that they will need to compensate for this repair separate from the Security Deposit, preferrably before they move out, with a bill notice.
In my lease is this clause:
"The Landlord reserves the right to demand recompense from the Tenant for any damages to the Premises that for safety, security or legal reasons cannot wait until the end of the lease."
Hopefully you have something like this in yours. If not, time to put it in.
But regardless.... you still have the right as the property owner, to send them a bill for something they damaged, no court I can imagine, is going to deny you that.
Send this bill certified mail. This can be a 10 Day Notice to Cure, inferring they must pay the bill within 10 days.
At least then you have a bill and demand notice stating this damage as a separate event, and showing you notified them of it (certified) and gave them reasonable time to reply.
Handle the rest of the damages within the Security Deposit, and then you can continue to pursue this bill separately even after they move out.
This is my thought, anyone is free to dispute and I'd like to her your feedback then.