Thanks for pointing that out, FloridaNative.
The keycheck rep has no clue, but gave me the Transunion Contact # 833-458-6338.
Regarding criminal and eviction reporting, Transunion told me that these states do NOT provide info:
Alabama, Delaware, Hawaii, Idaho, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan-after Dec 2023, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York - after 3/24, North Carolina - after 4/24, North Dakota, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Washington DC, Wyoming
Also, Sex offender information is NOT provided from CA, Mississippi, New Jersey
So HOW can these reports be advertised as NATIONAL?
Beware - they are NOT
Also noteworthy:
He said that Virginia does report, but I discovered a few years back that they do not (after an applicant admitted to a criminal conviction, but their report came back clean. So, how old is his list/info?
So, in summary.....what's the point in running the reports? UGH!
Everybody needs to be aware that you do not have all the information you are seeking, even when you are trying to do thorough screening.
I still want to find out if I could get a one-time credit card payment for move-in funds.