DV issue
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DV issue (by Robin [WI]) Jul 23, 2024 9:03 PM
       DV issue (by Ray-N-Pa [PA]) Jul 23, 2024 9:34 PM
       DV issue (by Tim [CA]) Jul 23, 2024 10:12 PM
       DV issue (by Nicole [PA]) Jul 23, 2024 10:58 PM
       DV issue (by GKARL [PA]) Jul 24, 2024 4:49 AM
       DV issue (by Still Learning [NH]) Jul 24, 2024 6:34 AM
       DV issue (by DJ [VA]) Jul 24, 2024 6:37 AM
       DV issue (by Dave [MO]) Jul 24, 2024 7:59 AM
       DV issue (by zero [IN]) Jul 24, 2024 8:33 AM
       DV issue (by Small potatoes [NY]) Jul 24, 2024 9:57 AM
       DV issue (by plenty [MO]) Jul 24, 2024 10:13 AM
       DV issue (by Hoosier [IN]) Jul 24, 2024 7:36 PM

DV issue (by Robin [WI]) Posted on: Jul 23, 2024 9:03 PM

This is a first for me: guy in one of my rooming houses got in a fight with his live-in girlfriend and threatened her with a knife. Police were called and told him to leave. He gathered his things and left.

His story: He told me that he was being transferred to a different city with his job and would be out by the end of the week. He told me that she would be moving with him, that he still had a few things that he needed to come back and get.

Her story: super apologetic for what happened, she followed him here and has no resources. No way is she following him anywhere. She told me that he had taken everything with him and asked if I could change the locks and let her stay until the month he had paid for had run out.

He was the one who signed the room agreement. Would you change the locks? Let her stay? Or allow him complete access until his time runs out?


DV issue (by Ray-N-Pa [PA]) Posted on: Jul 23, 2024 9:34 PM

What happens when she doesn't pay you for next month and she doesn't pay? Do you even know who she is?

Couple that with being involved in a police altercation - I would hope you can find someone a bit better qualified. I understand rooming houses are a tough niche and standards are different, just the same, both sound like headaches to me. --24.101.xxx.xxx

DV issue (by Tim [CA]) Posted on: Jul 23, 2024 10:12 PM

Get them both out or you'll have more problems to deal with later. --73.2.xx.xx

DV issue (by Nicole [PA]) Posted on: Jul 23, 2024 10:58 PM

Unless she has a court order stating he's not permitted on the property I would do nothing ...and I would tell both of them that ... preferably in a group text (this coming from me who hates text messaging) with both of them included. In Pennsylvania, true domestic violence victims are afforded some type legal protection regarding the residence but I'm not sure how that actually works. My text would also state that both are to be out by the end of the month and I'd follow that up with whatever legal notification you must give. Being a rooming house not sure if you need 30 days notice or not.

Sounds to me from your questions posed at the end that you are trying to figure out which one of them is telling the truth ... I can help you with that .. they both are telling part of the truth and both are lying/glossing over/altering the facts. --98.237.xxx.xx

DV issue (by GKARL [PA]) Posted on: Jul 24, 2024 4:49 AM

That's one of the reasons I no longer rent to couples in my rooming house. I never encountered this, but the potential for that dynamic is there. Both go. She won't have the rent to pay you. --209.122.xx.xxx

DV issue (by Still Learning [NH]) Posted on: Jul 24, 2024 6:34 AM

Are they both on the lease? Was there are restraining order filed? Some states have laws on DV. NH just passed some and I would need to look them up. If she is not on the lease, no way I would let her stay. Refer her to a local DV group to help her. They are much better suited than you to help her. As far as he goes, threatened with a knife in a rooming house, I wouldn’t let him back in. If the laws forced my hand, I would execute the fastest eviction order for safety I could. A big hearted friend recently went for a walk and found a younger girl crying at the train station with a sob story of DV. She brought her home to an ADU to help her for a few days. Let’s just say it was longer than a few days, the families safety was at risk and eventually she got her to a local hotel my friend paid for with the idea she was driving her 2 states away to family the next day but when she got there the police were there because the guy had shown up and drama ensued. Don’t get sucked in to helping. --73.159.xxx.xx

DV issue (by DJ [VA]) Posted on: Jul 24, 2024 6:37 AM

I think there are 2 important factors for you to consider here.

1. Is she an authorized occupant, or did she "sneak" in? If she is authorized to be living there, I would let her stay for the remainder of the month that has been paid for. I assume that is July, which is almost over. In reality, she won't find another place, move, and clean yours in a week anyway. Be "nice & understanding" & try for as much cooperation as possible, if you can.

Also give them both notice: whether to non-renew, or to leave based on breaking the terms of the agreement and creating an unsafe environment for all in the house - Whatever your R.A.(rental agreement) says regarding this, and whichever is faster.

If she is NOT an authorized occupant, send them both the notice anyway, just to cover yourself.

2. Research WI laws. There is usually something special you need to do when dealing with domestic violence. Changing the locks is one thing I would do here, in the right circumstance. Find out what she needs to produce to be "protected" under the law. If she does give you whatever court document may be required (or it may be just her word), follow the law. Still do everything to create a vacancy asap.

Of course, you ARE documenting ALL of this. --68.229.xxx.xxx

DV issue (by Dave [MO]) Posted on: Jul 24, 2024 7:59 AM

I would not change locks or get involved in their drama. Follow your lease and if there is a lease violation file for eviction. --199.200.xx.xxx

DV issue (by zero [IN]) Posted on: Jul 24, 2024 8:33 AM

If it is DV, the police were called, and he threatened her with a knife you should file for an emergency eviction at the least.

I did that during covid times and got the guy out in three days or so.

She is not on the lease so she is not your responsibility. Find a place that deals with this. Unfortunately the statistics show that DV victims get back together with the assaulter more times than not.

Pushing her out might be the thing that changes her entire life for the best.


DV issue (by Small potatoes [NY]) Posted on: Jul 24, 2024 9:57 AM

Unfortunately DV victims return to their abuser 5 to 7 times before they might break free. It's hard to understand as an outsider the mental trauma they are under. Durecting her to those resources is a good step. At the same time I wouldn't allow the guy back in the property. What did he 'leave' behind except her? --77.111.xxx.xx

DV issue (by plenty [MO]) Posted on: Jul 24, 2024 10:13 AM

Thanks for caring and considering. What was said above... I like providing her with some additional resources. They both need to go, good time to rid everyone. --172.59.xxx.xxx

DV issue (by Hoosier [IN]) Posted on: Jul 24, 2024 7:36 PM

Only with a court order, suggest to her that she get one.


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