Cussed by text 2X
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Cussed by text 2X (by BRAD GRAYSON [IN]) May 11, 2024 11:52 PM
       Cussed by text 2X (by FloridaNative [FL]) May 12, 2024 5:12 AM
       Cussed by text 2X (by MC [PA]) May 12, 2024 7:37 AM
       Cussed by text 2X (by Pat [VA]) May 12, 2024 7:54 AM
       Cussed by text 2X (by DJ [VA]) May 12, 2024 7:58 AM
       Cussed by text 2X (by RB [TN]) May 12, 2024 8:59 AM
       Cussed by text 2X (by zero [IN]) May 12, 2024 10:07 AM
       Cussed by text 2X (by Robin [WI]) May 12, 2024 12:55 PM
       Cussed by text 2X (by Robert,OntarioCanada [ON]) May 12, 2024 12:56 PM
       Cussed by text 2X (by mapleaf18 [NY]) May 12, 2024 2:18 PM
       Cussed by text 2X (by NE [PA]) May 12, 2024 3:03 PM
       Cussed by text 2X (by OREO [WI]) May 12, 2024 3:18 PM
       Cussed by text 2X (by 6x6 [TN]) May 12, 2024 3:42 PM
       Cussed by text 2X (by NE [PA]) May 12, 2024 3:48 PM
       Cussed by text 2X (by 6x6 [TN]) May 12, 2024 5:00 PM
       Cussed by text 2X (by melinda [MD]) May 12, 2024 7:01 PM
       Cussed by text 2X (by GKARL [PA]) May 12, 2024 7:30 PM
       Cussed by text 2X (by BRAD 20,000 [IN]) May 12, 2024 11:25 PM
       Cussed by text 2X (by Duplexer [IL]) May 14, 2024 8:06 AM
       Cussed by text 2X (by gevans [SC]) May 14, 2024 8:48 AM
       Cussed by text 2X (by OREO [WI]) May 14, 2024 9:04 AM
       Cussed by text 2X (by zero [IN]) May 15, 2024 8:30 AM

Cussed by text 2X (by BRAD GRAYSON [IN]) Posted on: May 11, 2024 11:52 PM

We stopped answering the phone 100 years ago so all comms are by text.

UNTIL it's time to review details like timing and money and 2 Minute In Home Visit. THEN Sam calls them.

As I chatter with a 30 something man I asked several questions like "Your app states you live with your parents. How long have you been living there?"

"All my life."

"Then you must have some move in money saved up?"

"No. Maybe I'll have some in a month or two."

"OK, well this home is for rent right now. I'll put your app on hold and you can text in when you are ready to rent."

He then turned ugly! Telling my I was rude for asking so many personal questions like where he works, his reason for moving, does he have $2000 move in money? He ranted my company has a reputation around town for being rude.

When they run out of ammunition they start firing PERSONAL hits.

This guy was broke, living at home his ENTIRE life, brand new baby with a girl with multiple felonies...

I let him rant then said "I'm sorry you feel that way. I will be very professional and polite and tell you now that based on your bad attitude we will not be renting to you. Best of luck in your house hunting" and hung up.

He was quick to blow up the text thread with cursing at me. I just wanted to repsond "These texts prove my point" but I didn't. Let the trool get bored and move on.

I'm not usually cranky with people but it seemed right that day.

About an hour later #2 texted to follow up on her app. I reminded her she was denied in January due to lack of income and multiple criminal public records, and cannot approve her new app now.

She fired back claiming I discriminate against black people and she will report me to NAACP. (kissy face emoji??)

Please note: she did not supply an ID so none of us have seen her face, nor did anyone TALK with her and hear her voice. Online app and text only.

Again, when they run out of ammunition they start personal attacks.

Hang in there and don't let the trolls get you down. Some people just gotta hate.


Cussed by text 2X (by FloridaNative [FL]) Posted on: May 12, 2024 5:12 AM

Dodged a bullet there. It's amazing to me how fast an applicant can turn on you when you say no. I've had it happen before. It only reinforces the "no".

Cussed by text 2X (by MC [PA]) Posted on: May 12, 2024 7:37 AM

So you are supposed to now say "All is fine. When can you move in?". Yep, they walk among us. Had a potential T call and curse out the one who answered the phone in my house one day. It was a guest of mine who had answered the phone. The irate caller didn't even ask to speak to me, just went off. Right there with you, you just cemented why you are denied.

Cussed by text 2X (by Pat [VA]) Posted on: May 12, 2024 7:54 AM

Same way when they can't pay rent and you don't let yourself get sucked in to the excuse. (When the evidence does not support their hopes to be able to come up with it).

I try to remember that their problems can't become my problems, but the more rentals that you have the harder that becomes.

Cussed by text 2X (by DJ [VA]) Posted on: May 12, 2024 7:58 AM

It's really sad how filled with hate some people are-so many!

They go around their whole life miserable, hopeless, and making others miserable too.

So sad. There is a cure if they were open to it, but that's not a landlord thing.

All you can do id reject their application, and pray for them if you are so inclined.

Cussed by text 2X (by RB [TN]) Posted on: May 12, 2024 8:59 AM

Mental illness.

Cussed by text 2X (by zero [IN]) Posted on: May 12, 2024 10:07 AM

Ah yes, the number of times a conversation has turned and then I am called a slumlord.

"Oh yeah, well I wouldn't rent from you anyhow!" There was never a chance buddy. --107.147.xx.xx

Cussed by text 2X (by Robin [WI]) Posted on: May 12, 2024 12:55 PM

It's tough to be on the receiving end of that, even when you have done nothing to deserve it. It's a blessing though to find out their true colors BEFORE they move in!

Cussed by text 2X (by Robert,OntarioCanada [ON]) Posted on: May 12, 2024 12:56 PM

I remember when I took over buildings where he told me he lived there before where with long distance call then called where he told me do not rent to him. He called back a few days later where told to bring back rental application where he blew up then told me small landlords and big landlords where owned 39 rental units. For sure he was looking for keys where can wait for next eviction. They sneak in a dog then completely trash out rental unit. One tenant wanted a completely renovated rental unit below where told him it was going to be $900 dollars where he called me a slum lord where he completely trashed out rental unit along with had a dog and cat. if you one completely trashed out rental unit then why would need a another completely trashed out rental unit where he failed to understand as rents are increased then over time the slum tenants move out then the apartment building becomes better where you make money on equity. I remember went for above guideline of 20.45 per cent in one apartment building where they fought increase with rent control where applied for conditional order where no building code violations then they lost so one January 5 rental units became vacant where one ad rented all 5 then never heard a complaint about rent as the building instead of being hollowed out to the point of being uninhabitable was being improved. They thought they had the right to decide what renovations were necessary like painting hallways, new tiles, painting balconies which were rusted with rust resistant paint, replacing hallway windows then later replacing all the windows in the building. They threw eggs at my truck where they lost as I cancelled all rent appeals once and for all. I was 4th owner where the others sold. I never heard a complaint about rent

Cussed by text 2X (by mapleaf18 [NY]) Posted on: May 12, 2024 2:18 PM

Sounds like 90% of the tenant pool around here. The under 35s really do think the world owes them and government needs to support them (cradle to grave).

Ms. Fake ESA went there (discrimination) when I denied her on smoking/vaping due to her insistence. I usually just ghost. I'm convinced she called HUD in Buffalo as I received almost immediately after denial a call from a 716 number with a very, ahem, white dude, saying he's suuuuuuuuuuper interested. Treated him the same way by sending him a prequal link. Nothing.

Now she's contacting me on Zillow asking if it's still available and she has her boyfriend who wants to live together with her calling me 4 times in about 20 minutes. I blocked both of them on the rental line.

Cussed by text 2X (by NE [PA]) Posted on: May 12, 2024 3:03 PM

I don’t engage them if they get like that. One good thing about Tenant Turner software is you can decline the deadbeats and it blocks them from inquiring for future vacancies.

Cussed by text 2X (by OREO [WI]) Posted on: May 12, 2024 3:18 PM

NE (PA): That's helpful; then you don't have to keep track of them trying to apply again.

Last year my handyman cussed me out twice. The first time I let it go; the second time, I let him go. --75.11.xx.xx

Cussed by text 2X (by 6x6 [TN]) Posted on: May 12, 2024 3:42 PM

Excellent examples, Brad. Thank you for sharing them.

Seems funny to me that the ones that claim they are being discriminated against are the ones that are discriminating. Nobody seems to realize that though.

NE, when you say "Tenant Turner software", is it a software program that you put on your computer and then all is set, or is it a subscription based thing?

Cussed by text 2X (by NE [PA]) Posted on: May 12, 2024 3:48 PM


Cussed by text 2X (by 6x6 [TN]) Posted on: May 12, 2024 5:00 PM

Thank you, NE.

Cussed by text 2X (by melinda [MD]) Posted on: May 12, 2024 7:01 PM

With the economy the way it is now I imagine we will be dealing with more irate people. Sounds as if you lost a real winner. haha --69.161.xx.xx

Cussed by text 2X (by GKARL [PA]) Posted on: May 12, 2024 7:30 PM

The minute I get an inkling of a problem, I introduce them to my friend Mr. Block. They can yell and cuss at him all day!

Cussed by text 2X (by BRAD 20,000 [IN]) Posted on: May 12, 2024 11:25 PM


Haha! Let it go, Let HIM go! Just needs some music from FROZEN!


Haha! Mr Block!


He turned when I suggested we hold and he check back when he has money, BEFORE I told him no.

I was not snarky or mean, super professional and polite, but I did hang up as he was trying to talk over me.

Always stay professional even when you want to tell them off.


Cussed by text 2X (by Duplexer [IL]) Posted on: May 14, 2024 8:06 AM

>>We stopped answering the phone 100 years ago so all comms are by text. >>

This is one of the smartest things you can do as a landlord imo.

For one thing every time they lie change their story and say something else its all there on record, and the date.

Secondly everything you said to them is also on record and when, when they say you never did.

These become hugely important if you ever go to court.

Thirdly.... it diffuses a lot of emotion. And boy can they be emotional. How many times over the years have I gotten a page of text all in caps, from someone going Karen? Its sure better than getting it live and having them get your goat as it were. Because that's not a good idea at all either.


It also allows you to get back to them on your own time, instead of being harassed by phone calls all day.

So, do I like talking to my tenants? NO, LOL.

Just kidding. Of course we're all wonderful beautiful people but nobody has time for that. When I actually talk to my tenants, its "good morning, nice weather isn't it?" That is ALL.

Also any change of rent or scheduling or announcement is sent by certified mail. Happiness is keeping them at a professional distance lol.

Cussed by text 2X (by gevans [SC]) Posted on: May 14, 2024 8:48 AM

Don't answer the phone...great advice! Get everything in writing.

Just had a tenant tell the judge multiple times "we had a verbal agreement".

Judge says (and rightly so) I have to go by the written agreement, this lease before me. I see where your LL has carefully documented what is allowed and what is not. This trumps any verbal agreement.

Get it in writing!

Cussed by text 2X (by OREO [WI]) Posted on: May 14, 2024 9:04 AM

We ask for correspondence via email, unless an emergency. Then I can answer when I'm able, usually up late and not dealing with scheduled work.

Something about texts sets me off like a phone call would. I don't have the same time to think with a text as an email, and it's more organized with my email.

There was a time when 4 tenants were texting at once, not emergencies and I mistakenly texted back the wrong one.

I absolutely hate when I get a text (or email) that I get dumped with something not working and no more information, information that would help to determine the issue or if that even is the issue. Happened this a.m., i.e. my internet isn't working; I'm going to work, will be home at 3:30. My name is not on the internet bill. --75.11.xx.xx

Cussed by text 2X (by zero [IN]) Posted on: May 15, 2024 8:30 AM

I had a tenant text me that the city didn't pick up her trash.

After a deep sigh I responded that she needed to contact the city as I have no control over the trash collection. --107.147.xx.xx

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