Eviction Reason- Unique
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Eviction Reason- Unique (by STTR [CA]) Mar 29, 2024 5:58 PM
       Eviction Reason- Unique (by NE [PA]) Mar 29, 2024 6:01 PM
       Eviction Reason- Unique (by Ken [NY]) Mar 29, 2024 6:05 PM
       Eviction Reason- Unique (by 6x6 [TN]) Mar 29, 2024 8:42 PM
       Eviction Reason- Unique (by Jason [VA]) Mar 29, 2024 8:45 PM
       Eviction Reason- Unique (by plenty [MO]) Mar 29, 2024 10:50 PM
       Eviction Reason- Unique (by BRAD 20,000 [IN]) Mar 30, 2024 12:16 AM
       Eviction Reason- Unique (by BRAD 20,000 [IN]) Mar 30, 2024 12:18 AM
       Eviction Reason- Unique (by MC [PA]) Mar 30, 2024 8:32 AM
       Eviction Reason- Unique (by Allym [NJ]) Mar 30, 2024 10:55 AM
       Eviction Reason- Unique (by Deanna [TX]) Mar 30, 2024 11:47 AM
       Eviction Reason- Unique (by STTR [CA]) Mar 30, 2024 1:18 PM
       Eviction Reason- Unique (by 6x6 [TN]) Mar 30, 2024 2:59 PM
       Eviction Reason- Unique (by Ray-N-Pa [PA]) Apr 2, 2024 12:11 PM
       Eviction Reason- Unique (by STTR [CA]) Apr 2, 2024 7:22 PM

Eviction Reason- Unique (by STTR [CA]) Posted on: Mar 29, 2024 5:58 PM

We rent to our son who is in college & required him to get a roommate. We checked the guy out & all was normal & acceptable. He's been in the unit for 2 weeks. We have had a noise complaint & something very odd occurred. My son, who was a police officer before deciding to go back to college, notified me his roommate drove home drunk (really drunk) the same night as noise complaint. In the am, my son was going to his car & notice his roommates car (he has 2) has front fender damage (bad). That day, a notice thru Nextdoor that a car was side swiped on the street below & it was the same type of car as roommates. He put two & two together. The roommates car disappeared shortly after that & before he could get pics. We want to evict this guy. He's on a month to month. What is a good reason to give without ticking him off & causing him to be combative with son in the same apartment? (he admitted to driving drunk & getting a DUI a year ago- because he was also a cop at some point- I think they knocked it down to moving violation)


Eviction Reason- Unique (by NE [PA]) Posted on: Mar 29, 2024 6:01 PM

So your kid is old enough to already have gone through police Academy to become a police officer and quit that career and is going back to school? I think it’s time to probably sell the college town rental property and tell your boy that he’s on his own. Tell him to scale down to an efficiency apartment and call it good for a few years. --24.152.xxx.xx

Eviction Reason- Unique (by Ken [NY]) Posted on: Mar 29, 2024 6:05 PM

I dont see a reason to evict at this point,he hasnt even been charged with a crime never mind convicted, besides that does your lease even give you a reason to evict if he does get convicted? --74.77.xx.xx

Eviction Reason- Unique (by 6x6 [TN]) Posted on: Mar 29, 2024 8:42 PM

"We checked the guy out & all was normal & acceptable"

How did you check him out?

Why did you require your son to get a roommate?


Eviction Reason- Unique (by Jason [VA]) Posted on: Mar 29, 2024 8:45 PM

You said the magic words “he’s on a month to month”. Son suddenly wants to move gf or buddy in. Here’s your notice and bye. --73.152.xx.xxx

Eviction Reason- Unique (by plenty [MO]) Posted on: Mar 29, 2024 10:50 PM

Why is the word Evict even in this equation? No eviction is necessary. Month to month is simply ending the contract. It's even easier when it's in your own home. In my state, give proper notice. After that day set their stuff out and Change the locks. Your state WiLL be different. --172.59.xxx.xx

Eviction Reason- Unique (by BRAD 20,000 [IN]) Posted on: Mar 30, 2024 12:16 AM


Son was a police officer? He is trained to handle difficult people. I'd leave it up to him. HE's the one who has to deal with the roomie.

Drunk is not a reason to evict or non-renew unless he was causing trouble. (Half the college would be evicted if drunk was a reason!)

MY concern is drunks with guns. As a former cop he probably packs.

I do not rent to law enforcement because they feel entitled, above the law, trained to kill, and are trained to NEVER BACK DOWN. So he would not have been approved.

BRAD --73.103.xxx.xxx

Eviction Reason- Unique (by BRAD 20,000 [IN]) Posted on: Mar 30, 2024 12:18 AM

PS If your son decides roomie needs to go, no reason is necessary. The less he says the better.

"Joe, This letter is your 30 day notice to move out."

BRAD --73.103.xxx.xxx

Eviction Reason- Unique (by MC [PA]) Posted on: Mar 30, 2024 8:32 AM

Evict and 30 days are 2 separate things. --73.230.xxx.xx

Eviction Reason- Unique (by Allym [NJ]) Posted on: Mar 30, 2024 10:55 AM

OK, this is touchy so you need some diplomacy Dem style, as in lying. Have your son tell this guy that his girlfriend is pregnant and is being thrown out of her house and needs to move in there as the baby is due next month. Hire a woman to stick a pillow in her pants and come in screaming with suitcases. But first, locate a place where the guy can move in immediately so when the drama plays out, your son can just hand him an address he can go to which might be a motel. This is from the A. Schiff playbook. You dont have to thank me. --173.61.xxx.xxx

Eviction Reason- Unique (by Deanna [TX]) Posted on: Mar 30, 2024 11:47 AM

"notice his roommates car (he has 2) "

Two roommates, or one roommate with 2 cars?

And both your son and the roomie he wants to get rid of used to be police officers?

And your son has had a roommate for two weeks? And is required to get a roommate by his school? But it's March?

In my state, the minimum age to be a police officer is 21. For all the universities that I've had experience with, they generally have one set of rules for students who are traditional students and attending straight out of high school. But there are different rules for students who are married or over the age of 21/grad students/etc.

Also, in all the universities that I've had experience with, I would expect that the university could only dictate living arrangements if you're in on-campus dorm housing. On-campus dorm housing is required for a certain period of time for traditional students, but there's special family housing that's optional for grad students/adult students/married students, and the on-campus living requirement is rescinded for those later-in-life students, even if later-in-life is 22 or 23. Because that's the only way it would make sense--- you don't want a 40-year-old late-in-life adult student being housed with a bunch of 17/18 year-old traditional students. But that said, a lot of adult students/students with families like living in university family housing anyways, because it's usually cheaper and very conveniently situated. In some HCOL/desirable areas, people will take the minimum number of credits just to qualify for university family housing, and be professional students that have no intention of ever getting a degree or graduating... because otherwise they can't afford to live in the area. ;)

So I'm a little confused so to how he has so little control over his living situation that he's required to have a mandatory roommate, yet has enough control to be the one who not only selects it (in March, rather than August or January), but his parents are able to approve him with a background check.

So-- working with the supposition that it's university housing of some sort-- you have about six weeks left to the semester. You don't do anything about it, you ride it through, say goodbye in May, and each person finds a new room for the May mini-mester, Summer I/II, or Fall 2024, whichever schedule he's on. If the current roomate is asking to stick around for the future, you just vaguely say that you have other plans, but good luck, yeah. Tolerating things for six more weeks is the cost for a drama-free breakup, which is what you're wanting. --137.118.xx.xxx

Eviction Reason- Unique (by STTR [CA]) Posted on: Mar 30, 2024 1:18 PM

To clarify:

Not college housing. We own the triplex in residential area.

Only college person there is our son. He orig moved in fully employed as a LEO & pays rent. Decided to go back to college & change direction in career. We gave him a break on rent while in college & if he has a roommate to make up difference. Hence the roommate.

My bad- I meant 30 day notice not eviction. You all are correct.

I agree with many of you. We will just let it be. If there are issues in future with noise, property damages, etc- we will serve then.

Ken- After reading & pondering everyone's input- I do agree with you. Not warranted at this time. Our rental agreement does stipulate no illegal activities, etc. However, if we get more complaints, other issues, hostile household situation: I would just do a 30 day w/ no explanation (as Brad stated). We just don't want to "cause" hostilities (given he may have a gun since he was prior LEO).

Brad, I 100% don't agree with you. I would rent to our Law Enforcement (LEO) folks any day as long as they pass background & credit (yes we did that for the roommate prior to renting that room to him- Excellent credit no legal issues came up).

Thank you everyone for your input. --160.2.xxx.xxx

Eviction Reason- Unique (by 6x6 [TN]) Posted on: Mar 30, 2024 2:59 PM

Thank you, STTR, for the added details and update. --76.129.xxx.xx

Eviction Reason- Unique (by Ray-N-Pa [PA]) Posted on: Apr 2, 2024 12:11 PM

Unless you are running a boarding house, my guess is your lease is joint and several there for you need to give all occupants the same 30 day notice.

This is excellent training in room mate screening as it is in tenant screening. It appears training in both areas is required --24.101.xxx.xxx

Eviction Reason- Unique (by STTR [CA]) Posted on: Apr 2, 2024 7:22 PM

Ray N Pa- No joint leases/ rental agreement. Just my son & roommate & both have their own agreements. --160.2.xxx.xxx

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