A squatter, unknown person in a rental, is given now 4 bites at the wheel, to defend themselves in a lawful eviction in the Los Angeles Kangaroo Court System.
They can file for a Protective Order, delaying an eviction up to 4 months.
They can have all filing fee's waved, up to and exceeding $1,000..
They are entitled to Free Legal Aid, lawyers, advisors and others.
They can and will file false police reports, with no fear of legal repercussions.
They can and will file a appeal to get another chance to get all owners, managers and trades men from coming within 300 feet of a rental.
Then they will file with Housing and Building and Safety a false Habitability claim, having violations issued of repair, that the owner has no right or ability to access the said property.
And so on......
I was in court yesterday for many hours. There were (7) seven major charges brought before the Court. Not eviction but a Family Criminal Court. The accusers were not my tenants, I was just the deep pocket owner.
I got to ask two questions of the accuser before I would be allowed to give my defense. So I asked:
Did they have a Female Attorney from Free Legal Aid handle things for them for a period of 3 to 4 months, who is different from their Current Mail attorney and Language interpreter?
The answer was yes! I had told the Judge that this current attorney was NOT the attorney of record. The judge said his name is on the document, so he is the attorney of record. I held up 4 months worth of communications, text message, letters, emails, pictures and other documents proving the accusations were not true. Jude said that's all hearsay and not admissible.
Second question I asked, do they know the difference between a "Landlord" and an "Owner". They did not!
Since I was not their landlord and did not set the rules for their tenancy, and I had given them 10 months to move out without paying 1 cent in rent, half of their case against me was lost.
During the show and tell portion of the trial, the Judge took evidence from the accusers, not me. But the squatter/tenant's interpreter needed some of my pictures because she couldn't translate things without reference.
I had been accused by the squatter and police of stealing valuables from the rental and keeping it as hostage. This picture showed a storage locker, around 15' x 20' filled with around 80 totes, 27 gallons with lids. All of the squatters stuff moved from the rental, buy everyone using my truck/trailer. And I had 3 months of texted messages. Saying, I need more boxes, come and pick up your trailer, we put another 12 filled totes on it, we will help you unload and put into our storage.
From being an accused of stealing tenants valuables and having he police on the squatters side, things were shifting. An hour plus listening to a distorted version of events..
I have/had over 200 documents on how the City and Squatters were seeking return of all rents paid to my tenant, not them, and
$25,000 relocation fund
$10,000 for abuse on a tenant
$ 5,000 more because 1 person was over 65 years of age.
I won this case on all 7 counts. I am ordering a copy of the courts transcript. I will return on the appeal and the other 2 court cases against me.
I have given notice to the Homeless Shelter, that has 40 beds, give to the City for $1.00 a year for charity work. Since there in no longer protections, and this shelter has never filed a single violation against me, I can not take the chance that opportunist will not uses these homeless people for financial gain.