I don't know how well this will cut and paste into this forum but here is the letter I use. It came from a mish mash of the Mr LL credit check site and my current credit check site and my application criteria. Obviously you'd have to put the correct info into your letter from whichever service you used to check their credit.
As far as some who never deny based on credit? Why. It is a valid reason. All I do is print and mail a letter when their credit is below par. It's not hard or scary. It's just a part of the business.
Where it says Application criteria I'd send a similar letter without the credit info for any of the other 6 disqualify categories.
Thank you for your recent application to rent one of our homes. We regret to inform you that the application you submitted has been denied for one or more of the following reasons within the following categories:
þ Application Criteria – Section 3 – Credit History
Could not be verified with Name and/or SS# provided / Unsatisfactory payment history
Collection activity, Bankruptcy, Bad debts, or Negative accounts / High debt to income
FICO credit score too low - Applicant 1 ____ / Applicant 2 ____
This decision was based in whole or in part on the information provided to us in a Consumer Report prepared on our behalf by a consumerreporting agency. Their mailing address and phone number are listed below:
Credit Reports Provided By:
Starpoint Screening/The LIG Group
520 E Zaragoza
Pensacola, FL 32502
(V) 8773302444
(F) 8773492175 Criminal & Eviction Reports Provided by:
CIC Consumer Relations
42913 Capital Drive, Unit 101,
Lancaster, CA 93535
(V) (800) 288-4757 Option 5
(F) (888) 797-2254
The vendors listed above play no part in the decision to take any action on your rental application and are unable to provide you with specific reason(s) for our action.
You have certain rights under FCRA and state law concerning your consumer report. You have the right to a disclosure of the information in your consumer file from any of the agencies above or from any other consumer reporting agency that compiles and maintains files on consumers on a nationwide basis if you make written request to them and upon your proper identification within 60 days of receiving this denial. You are entitled to a free copy of your consumer report. You have the right to directly dispute with the consumer reporting agency the accuracy and completeness of any information furnished by that agency and to provide a consumer statement describing your position if you dispute the information in your consumer file. If you believe the information in your consumer file is inaccurate or incomplete, you may call the consumer reporting agencies at their toll-free number listed above, or write them at the listed address.
This notice has been mailed via USPS and sent via Email. Best wishes on your future home search.