Miss me?
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Miss me? (by BRAD 20,000 [IN]) Nov 16, 2023 11:23 PM
       Miss me? (by James [GA]) Nov 17, 2023 1:38 AM
       Miss me? (by RB [TN]) Nov 17, 2023 3:28 AM
       Miss me? (by Bonanza [NC]) Nov 17, 2023 6:29 AM
       Miss me? (by NE [PA]) Nov 17, 2023 6:48 AM
       Miss me? (by Ray-N-Pa [PA]) Nov 17, 2023 7:02 AM
       Miss me? (by plenty [MO]) Nov 17, 2023 7:05 AM
       Miss me? (by wmh [NC]) Nov 17, 2023 7:50 AM
       Miss me? (by NE [PA]) Nov 17, 2023 7:54 AM
       Miss me? (by NE [PA]) Nov 17, 2023 7:56 AM
       Miss me? (by mapleaf18 [NY]) Nov 17, 2023 8:01 AM
       Miss me? (by S i d [MO]) Nov 17, 2023 8:10 AM
       Miss me? (by unb [GA]) Nov 17, 2023 8:21 AM
       Miss me? (by DJ [VA]) Nov 17, 2023 8:25 AM
       Miss me? (by NE [PA]) Nov 17, 2023 8:28 AM
       Miss me? (by 6x6 [TN]) Nov 17, 2023 9:24 AM
       Miss me? (by zero [IN]) Nov 17, 2023 9:31 AM
       Miss me? (by Wmh [NC]) Nov 17, 2023 10:15 AM
       Miss me? (by NE [PA]) Nov 17, 2023 10:23 AM
       Miss me? (by unb [GA]) Nov 17, 2023 10:40 AM
       Miss me? (by NE [PA]) Nov 17, 2023 10:44 AM
       Miss me? (by unb [GA]) Nov 17, 2023 11:08 AM
       Miss me? (by NE [PA]) Nov 17, 2023 11:14 AM
       Miss me? (by Ray-N-Pa [PA]) Nov 17, 2023 12:00 PM
       Miss me? (by unb [GA]) Nov 17, 2023 2:07 PM
       Miss me? (by NE [PA]) Nov 17, 2023 2:13 PM
       Miss me? (by Ken [NY]) Nov 17, 2023 2:55 PM
       Miss me? (by NE [PA]) Nov 17, 2023 3:22 PM
       Miss me? (by WMH [NC]) Nov 17, 2023 5:43 PM
       Miss me? (by Vee [OH]) Nov 17, 2023 5:53 PM
       Miss me? (by NE [PA]) Nov 17, 2023 5:54 PM
       Miss me? (by Steve [MA]) Nov 17, 2023 6:40 PM
       Miss me? (by NE [PA]) Nov 17, 2023 6:52 PM
       Miss me? (by Busy [WI]) Nov 17, 2023 9:57 PM
       Miss me? (by GKARL [PA]) Nov 18, 2023 7:27 AM
       Miss me? (by Ed [CA]) Nov 18, 2023 9:12 PM
       Miss me? (by BRAD 20,000 [IN]) Nov 18, 2023 10:42 PM

Miss me? (by BRAD 20,000 [IN]) Posted on: Nov 16, 2023 11:23 PM

Sorry I not visited here lately, my favorite place to decompress!

Been busy…Sold 5 junker projects, bought 1 by 1031’ing them into one nice 6 bed, 3 bath executive home,

Sold 1 in my Roth IRA and bought 1 big 5 bed home with the funds.

Out of town for a week then tested positive for Covid and been isolated in our guest room for a week. Mild case but no energy, not even just to play online.

Weird to call your wife on the phone to ask her for some lunch, then she sets it on the floor outside my door. I wait for her to walk away, open the door, pick up my food, and silently retreat back into isolation.

Oh how the weeks fly by!

Good news: rents continue even in my absence.

BRAD --73.103.xxx.xxx

Miss me? (by James [GA]) Posted on: Nov 17, 2023 1:38 AM

I'm not on often enough to see - but get well.

Days to weeks to months. Life is short --135.134.xx.x

Miss me? (by RB [TN]) Posted on: Nov 17, 2023 3:28 AM

Retirement. --69.130.xxx.xxx

Miss me? (by Bonanza [NC]) Posted on: Nov 17, 2023 6:29 AM

I miss everyone.

Ya'll are a wealth of knowledge.

Get better Brad. --65.188.xxx.xxx

Miss me? (by NE [PA]) Posted on: Nov 17, 2023 6:48 AM

Still playing the Covid game huh? --24.152.xxx.xx

Miss me? (by Ray-N-Pa [PA]) Posted on: Nov 17, 2023 7:02 AM

I was pondering heading over to OREIA this year but I had five in my pipeline so I elected not to with it being late fall. I hope you get your energy back soon --24.101.xxx.xxx

Miss me? (by plenty [MO]) Posted on: Nov 17, 2023 7:05 AM

You have been busy. Interesting to buy those big properties at this time. Hope your feeling better and back at it! --172.56.xx.xx

Miss me? (by wmh [NC]) Posted on: Nov 17, 2023 7:50 AM

More people getting Covid now than when Covid was king! I'm going to a Grandparent's thing at Grandson #3's school and I guess I'm wearing a mask (no NE not because they asked us to, but because I am immuno-compromised right now and would have to mask up even if this was 1999.) --108.4.xx.xxx

Miss me? (by NE [PA]) Posted on: Nov 17, 2023 7:54 AM

This eternal kowtowing to Covid protocol is right up top of the reasons why I can’t take the posters here seriously anymore.

YouTube: Freedom Toons: “1 eternity to flatten the curve”. That little two minute video is truer now than it was two years ago. --24.152.xxx.xx

Miss me? (by NE [PA]) Posted on: Nov 17, 2023 7:56 AM

Blame it on whatever you want WMH, but you wouldn’t have worn a mask pre-Covid. Just like I told my wife the night before all this happened and everything shut down. I laughed and said this will never go away. How unfortunately correct I was. --24.152.xxx.xx

Miss me? (by mapleaf18 [NY]) Posted on: Nov 17, 2023 8:01 AM

So on the hijacking of the post continued, masks have been proven to have little to no effect on catching any virus. The virus molecules are far too small to be stopped by even the n95 masks. --64.246.xxx.xxx

Miss me? (by S i d [MO]) Posted on: Nov 17, 2023 8:10 AM

Hope you're feeling better, Brad!

My family is blessed that either none of us has caught it, or all of us are in the 25% of people who are asymptomatic.


Miss me? (by unb [GA]) Posted on: Nov 17, 2023 8:21 AM

I still carry the french style (full face covered) snorkel mask for safety. Walking into lowes with it later today. --108.239.xx.xx

Miss me? (by DJ [VA]) Posted on: Nov 17, 2023 8:25 AM

Brad- Glad you're feeling better. At least enough energy to click on a keyboard : )

And the rents continue! Yes - good systems in place! Did everybody get that?

NE: I normally ignore your comments I don't like. Take what you like & leave the rest, right?

But, I guess I'm in a mood this morning.

What if Brad had said he was laid flat with the flu and didn't want to infect his family? Would that make a difference in your mind, rather than naming the specific virus that caused the symptoms? What's the difference to you?! He was sick - therefore you can't take him seriously.

And you flat-out call someone a liar because she shares that she has a chronic health problem, and takes steps to avoid illness. Oh, you certainly can't take seriously anybody with a heath problem! Do you not take Barb seriously because she has Scooter? Do you know anyone with a bad knee who avoids stairs?

What if a friend of yours said they don't want to eat lunch at McDonald's today, because they found out they have high blood pressure & high cholesterol - and they want to try to be healthier? Will you ridicule them and tell them they are a liar - the doctor didn't say that! Or "you're being stupid!"?

You, NE, are the one who can't be taken seriously any more.

You have got so stuck on being ant-covid (which I agree with a lot of, by the way) that you have become anti-social and just plain obnoxious.

OK, I'm done. Reply however you want, NE - you will be ignored

Y'all have a nice day now : )


Miss me? (by NE [PA]) Posted on: Nov 17, 2023 8:28 AM

I have no problem with the other stuff DJ. I don’t want to see anyone sick. It’s the continued Covid compliance. 100% Covid.

PS: I don’t care if you take me seriously, just like the Covid cultists don’t care if I take them seriously. --24.152.xxx.xx

Miss me? (by 6x6 [TN]) Posted on: Nov 17, 2023 9:24 AM

Brad, we always miss seeing you on here.

It certainly becomes interesting when you bring up Convid. Why did you have to do that? I can't seem to help myself but to respond to that. I will do that first and then I have a question about your 1031's.

NE, thank you for sharing the "Freedom Tunes". It does add up. Hien sight?

unb, I would love to be at that Lowes when you walked in. That could make for a very fun day. I could bring the deuce and a half.

DJ, I could be wrong, but I don't think NE's intentions are against those with illnesses, rather against the facts that people have proven that they can be gullible and easily brainwashed with fear. The point for me is not the illness, but rather that people were fed lies and deceit, and even still living in it. I understand where that frustration is at. How would the younger person say it: "It's like, Wake up man!"

Okay, back to the point of the post.

Brad, when you do 1031's, I understand that you are potentially getting better quality rentals and renters, but does it give you any other benefits?


Miss me? (by zero [IN]) Posted on: Nov 17, 2023 9:31 AM

Sorry that you are under the weather Brad. Be happy that your wonderful wife isn't sick as well. That makes for a worse time.

Happy that the rents keep coming in, as we all knew they would.

Now that you are feeling a little better maybe you can start searching for a new Porsche! --107.147.xx.xxx

Miss me? (by Wmh [NC]) Posted on: Nov 17, 2023 10:15 AM

Just one more message. Ne? Yes I would have worn a mask pre-COVID because I've been told to wear one because I have cancer and I'm taking drugs that totally suppress my immune system. I will have to watch out around people for several years. Fun stuff. And yes this has been true for decades now. Make fun of people all you want, but it's pretty rude.


Miss me? (by NE [PA]) Posted on: Nov 17, 2023 10:23 AM

Like I said, I don’t want to see anyone sick for any reason. I certainly don’t want anyone to die from being sick from it. It’s not like I’m going to run out and make fun of somebody who needs a cane or a jazzy scooter or who has high cholesterol. I’m not a monster or “rude” anymore than the folks on the other side of this argument who were willing to throw people like me into camps for noncompliance.

So please don’t take my anti-Covid position out of context and think I run around making fun of sick people.

My problem is 100% with the continued Covid compliance, because after all the Lockdowns, moratoriums, political shenanigans and hypocrisy, media tomfoolery that went along with it, to still take the protocol seriously? Come on. To not admit at this point how much everyone was played like fiddles and to still be testing, still isolating, still masking like it’s March and April 2020, it just makes people look pathetic. It’s deserving of ridicule. It makes them look mentally weak. I don’t care if me saying that ruffles people’s feathers.

I’m going back to what DJ said about my staunchly anti-Covid position, yes you’re absolutely correct. In the real world, if I’m sitting at coffee with you or something and we’re talking business or life or whatever and I see in your purse some mask strings or you readjust your coat and in your inside pocket I see a mask hanging out, you are done in my eyes! I don’t want to hear what you have to say about anything after that. I consider you to be weak. Maybe to my own detriment, but I will accept that and I’ll find the information somewhere else.

Family friend or foe, it doesn’t matter. I can no longer give them grace. Maybe the first couple months several years ago. But not now. --174.240.xxx.xxx

Miss me? (by unb [GA]) Posted on: Nov 17, 2023 10:40 AM

Becasue I don't like to know what a hot poker in the eye feels like-- we wore masks. We just didn't know. Once we felt the rabbit running away (Fauci) we ditched them.

I still deducted those masks from the company. Since they were originally purchased for work.

6X Lowes was nothing compared to riding down our local 4 lane. My helper and me wearing those stupid snorkel masks. I'm still laughing.

NE you have to admit-- as I will-- you hit the home run -- not just a home run a grand-slam. There was no one else who called it that I know of. --108.239.xx.xx

Miss me? (by NE [PA]) Posted on: Nov 17, 2023 10:44 AM

Unb, I feel like I missed the opportunity to write off some mask purchases! Darn it. I was using a full face respirator a few weeks ago to grind out 2 old cast iron tubs. Took about 20 grinding wheels to complete the job. After removing the respirator, my nostrils were packed with fine metal dust. Just about zero protection on that job. --174.240.xxx.xxx

Miss me? (by unb [GA]) Posted on: Nov 17, 2023 11:08 AM

Need the best respirator filter for glass glazing. It's similar to sand blasting.

You must love those tubs????? --108.239.xx.xx

Miss me? (by NE [PA]) Posted on: Nov 17, 2023 11:14 AM

Had to be 350lbs a piece --174.240.xxx.xxx

Miss me? (by Ray-N-Pa [PA]) Posted on: Nov 17, 2023 12:00 PM

How was ORIEA Brad?

Any worth wild speaker that stood out --24.101.xxx.xxx

Miss me? (by unb [GA]) Posted on: Nov 17, 2023 2:07 PM

NE you cry baby. You ain't makin love to them! your sanding them and weight has nothing to do with it.... in that case. --108.239.xx.xx

Miss me? (by NE [PA]) Posted on: Nov 17, 2023 2:13 PM

No, I wasn’t sanding them, I was cutting them in 3rds and sumo wrestling them out of the house. --24.152.xxx.xx

Miss me? (by Ken [NY]) Posted on: Nov 17, 2023 2:55 PM

NE, I just give that stuff to scrappers and they remove them for me --74.77.xx.xx

Miss me? (by NE [PA]) Posted on: Nov 17, 2023 3:22 PM

They did go with the scrapper. Just had to get them into manageable chunks to get them out of the house. --24.152.xxx.xx

Miss me? (by WMH [NC]) Posted on: Nov 17, 2023 5:43 PM

Annnnd I forgot the darn mask. But they are an open-air campus so not too much to worry about.

Brad when my son was sick with the original back in the day he moved into one of their empty houses. One of his workers would drop off food and water (it's Mexico after all) and he was there for three weeks, sick as a dog. I'm glad you didn't get it until it evolved to be less virulent but it still sux to be sick. Hope you get completely well soon. It's actually been years now since we've seen you in person. --108.4.xx.xxx

Miss me? (by Vee [OH]) Posted on: Nov 17, 2023 5:53 PM

I am sorry you had to endure the mystery disease, I hear a lot about RSV which I think is the H1N1 flu strain, it is simply Americans are eating such lousy food the body is only crawling out with anti-bodies to fight these dideases, fresh green beans and fruit to the rescue, the potatoe chip industry has dropped the salt bomb and it will take years to flush the rubbish out of our viens. Stay well and plant next years dinner soon --184.59.xxx.xx

Miss me? (by NE [PA]) Posted on: Nov 17, 2023 5:54 PM

I heard duct tape works too WMH --24.152.xxx.xx

Miss me? (by Steve [MA]) Posted on: Nov 17, 2023 6:40 PM

This tread is definitely getting off track, so I think that it's time to invoke the "Thumper Rule". --72.93.xxx.xx

Miss me? (by NE [PA]) Posted on: Nov 17, 2023 6:52 PM

I am being nice Steve. ;-) --174.198.x.x

Miss me? (by Busy [WI]) Posted on: Nov 17, 2023 9:57 PM

Thumper rule- lol!

NE, and others who have to do dusty, grimy jobs: Navage. That little baby rinses everything out.

Brad, glad you are well enough to post. Sorry you have to live in solitary confinement for a while.

WMH, so sorry to read that . Kick cancer's butt!

I just got a couple of shots at the doctor yesterday, and between being teeth-chattering freezing cold, all I wanna do is sleep...... --72.135.xxx.xx

Miss me? (by GKARL [PA]) Posted on: Nov 18, 2023 7:27 AM

Best wishes for the return of good health Brad. --209.122.xx.xxx

Miss me? (by Ed [CA]) Posted on: Nov 18, 2023 9:12 PM

Hope you're feeling better soon. I was under the impression that you can't combine properties, then 1031 into one property. Am I wrong???? Please advise if so because I wouldn't mind combining two of mine into one bigger property.

Thanks! --108.201.xx.xx

Miss me? (by BRAD 20,000 [IN]) Posted on: Nov 18, 2023 10:42 PM


Go to APIexchange.com and read up. They also answer the phone!

All they do is 1031s.

They carefully review your plans in advance to help you comply.

Flat fee. $1200 fee to be the custodian on the exchange, plus $250 for each additional property.

My title co says they are super easy to deal with. “One of the good ones” because they have dealt with some doozies.

My 5 rolled into one saved me $94,000 tax bill.

BRAD --73.103.xxx.xxx

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