tire kickers and looky lo (by Mike G [MA]) Nov 10, 2023 12:57 PM
tire kickers and looky lo (by Me [CA]) Nov 10, 2023 2:34 PM
tire kickers and looky lo (by zero [IN]) Nov 10, 2023 2:48 PM
tire kickers and looky lo (by LTD [AZ]) Nov 10, 2023 3:00 PM
tire kickers and looky lo (by Vee [OH]) Nov 10, 2023 3:24 PM
tire kickers and looky lo (by GKARL [PA]) Nov 10, 2023 3:34 PM
tire kickers and looky lo (by Plenty [MO]) Nov 10, 2023 4:01 PM
tire kickers and looky lo (by Jason [VA]) Nov 10, 2023 4:31 PM
tire kickers and looky lo (by Sisco [MO]) Nov 10, 2023 5:13 PM
tire kickers and looky lo (by mapleaf18 [NY]) Nov 10, 2023 5:22 PM
tire kickers and looky lo (by MikeA [TX]) Nov 10, 2023 5:57 PM
tire kickers and looky lo (by Jim in O C [CA]) Nov 10, 2023 7:09 PM
tire kickers and looky lo (by Sisco [MO]) Nov 10, 2023 8:56 PM
tire kickers and looky lo (by MikeA [TX]) Nov 10, 2023 10:53 PM
tire kickers and looky lo (by Bonanza [NC]) Nov 11, 2023 8:30 AM
tire kickers and looky lo (by S i d [MO]) Nov 11, 2023 9:02 AM
tire kickers and looky lo (by zero [IN]) Nov 11, 2023 10:33 AM
tire kickers and looky lo (by Jason [VA]) Nov 11, 2023 12:04 PM
tire kickers and looky lo (by Scottballet [MA]) Nov 11, 2023 12:21 PM
tire kickers and looky lo (by zero [IN]) Nov 11, 2023 2:09 PM
tire kickers and looky lo (by Ray-N-Pa [PA]) Nov 12, 2023 6:55 PM
tire kickers and looky lo (by Chris [CT]) Nov 13, 2023 11:49 AM
tire kickers and looky lo (by Ned [AL]) Nov 13, 2023 9:04 PM
tire kickers and looky lo (by Mike G [MA]) Posted on: Nov 10, 2023 12:57 PM Message:
To those that esp use lock-boxes to show units or don't want to deal with
just hopeless applicants,..what do you think of this for help in slowing those that wouldn't qualify.
Your date to see the apartment would be OK.The manager may or may not be around but you can access it and look at it yourself. It's a quiet top floor unit #6.
It will be left open, Do NOT lock the unit when leaving.
Let us know when you will be there to ensure it's unlocked.
Things to know:
It's a*non-smoking apartment*** No pets. (nope. not even that one.) the landlord
pays water/sewer, the tenant pays electricity. 1st and last, no application
fee...apply online on xxxxxx (each person 18 and
older must submit a separate application) If you have been evicted for
cause or non-payment in the last 3 years, you will not qualify. If you
owe another landlord or utility company money, you must be current on
a payment plan.
Be prepared to answer these 4 questions: 1) What is your monthly
household income before taxes? 2) Have you ever been served a notice
to quit for non-payment or for cause? 3) Do you have a CORI or a
SCORI? 4) Do you smoke tobacco or any other substance?
Hope it works out for you.xxxxxx is an incredible town.
--73.159.xxx.xxx |
tire kickers and looky lo (by Me [CA]) Posted on: Nov 10, 2023 2:34 PM Message:
In this day and age I don't understand LL's who allow a perspective tenant unaccompanied access. All they have to do is move in, change the locks and you're screwed until you can get them out. --47.149.xxx.xxx |
tire kickers and looky lo (by zero [IN]) Posted on: Nov 10, 2023 2:48 PM Message:
It takes a little more than that around here. Now if they had access to the place for a month and started getting mail there we could have an issue.
I just started the lockbox showing. I have left the places open before for people to see it but now I use a cheap box for the key. I don't tell anyone they can see it that way until I have their application. Some pro deadbeats might be able to slip thru but I don't leave the places sit empty and unattended for any length of time.
As for the list, I like a few of those things, especially the must be on a current payment plan. Typically I just DQ someone who owes the last LL thousands of dollars because around here that means damages. --107.147.xx.xxx |
tire kickers and looky lo (by LTD [AZ]) Posted on: Nov 10, 2023 3:00 PM Message:
Nope, I would not do that. Not in today's climate.
It may work for some in limited markets, but your risk of squatters would be substantial. You allowed access. They didn't break in. No crime committed. Cops won't help you. They have the "right" to stay. Now you can spend months trying to evict, then rebuild the property afterward.
There are horror stories every week on this. Heck someone rented an AirBnB to a guy who has stayed in a million dollar property for over 2 years! Free.
A better idea is hold "open houses." Have everyone come during a certain time window. Say 11-12 on Saturday. There's no harm in allowing multiple parties to look at the same time. It works fine for sales. Gives a sense of urgency.
You are there to point out features, answer questions. Hand out apps. When we were running units I had staging furniture and a small dining table and chairs. We'd put apps and info sheets on the counter and had a contain with pens on the table if they wanted to fill out apps right there.
It also enabled us to cull out the ones with ten screaming kids - who forget and yell out how perfect the place would be for bowser. Or the one's who swore they didn't smoke, who's car ashtray is overflowing...
--47.216.xx.xxx |
tire kickers and looky lo (by Vee [OH]) Posted on: Nov 10, 2023 3:24 PM Message:
Why give access without first pre-screening? do you ever lock your own house or car/truck? Request a copy of existing lease so you know what costs are currently, All rental property should be -smoke free since the 2009 -breath easy- rules laid out by HUD, do an in home inspection to see the pets and ashtrays first hand before closing off communication, the existing lease will get you the closer than anything else. --184.59.xxx.xx |
tire kickers and looky lo (by GKARL [PA]) Posted on: Nov 10, 2023 3:34 PM Message:
No lockboxes for me. By the time I'm done pre-screening I only have maybe at best 3 to 4 showings. It's not a problem to show for that number. Perhaps it's something I'm doing, but I'm never overwhelmed with calls nor showings. I believe my prescreening process has much to do with that. --172.58.xxx.xxx |
tire kickers and looky lo (by Plenty [MO]) Posted on: Nov 10, 2023 4:01 PM Message:
Right here, on this sentence: when leaving.
Let us know when you will be there to ensure it's unlocked.
Change that from Let us know... To Call or text or what you want them to do and how. Text? Phone? --172.58.xxx.xxx |
tire kickers and looky lo (by Jason [VA]) Posted on: Nov 10, 2023 4:31 PM Message:
Nobody is going to read or answer any of that. The best way to approach is is to only show the unit to the pre-qualified. I can help automate that portion 100%, then only people that pass your pre-screening requirements would get to see the place. Also, I’m not a fan of giving your criteria upfront, it lets people know what to lie about. --172.56.xxx.xxx |
tire kickers and looky lo (by Sisco [MO]) Posted on: Nov 10, 2023 5:13 PM Message:
I use lockbox showings and I recommend you put at the heading the address
rent amount and deposit amount.
--149.76.xxx.x |
tire kickers and looky lo (by mapleaf18 [NY]) Posted on: Nov 10, 2023 5:22 PM Message:
Another vote for NO unaccompanied showings/lockboxes, ESPECIALLY in a BLUE state/city. You are just asking for Squatters. Automate and I agree with Jason. The less you say about your requirements/stipulations, the better.
I say nothing in the ad other than sec dep required. --64.246.xxx.xxx |
tire kickers and looky lo (by MikeA [TX]) Posted on: Nov 10, 2023 5:57 PM Message:
First off, that is backwards from what most of us do. We ask the prequal questions and filter out 98% of the dregs from those few simple questions before they get to see the property. Some actually require a full application before showing.
From there you are dealing with a much smaller, more likely to qualify, subset to work with.
At that point you can either show it to them or give them the code for a lockbox showing. In left leaning CA, I wouldn't do lockbox showings. I certainly wouldn't leave it unlocked because you never know who will steal what or become a squatter.
--209.205.xxx.xx |
tire kickers and looky lo (by Jim in O C [CA]) Posted on: Nov 10, 2023 7:09 PM Message:
I'm in California and I would have a homeless tenant and his friends if I used a lockbox. --146.70.xxx.xx |
tire kickers and looky lo (by Sisco [MO]) Posted on: Nov 10, 2023 8:56 PM Message:
For all who say no unaccompanied showings:
I typically receive 120 inquiries for a vacancy on the first day it is advertised, 70 on day 2, then 30 inquiries each day thereafter. Very, very few will view the house. A great many are looking for a home 100 miles from my offerings ( I suppose their search criteria needs adjusting.
This level of response has been the norm for 7+ years.
Are you getting similar response rate? If so, how do you find enough hours in the day to go through your pre screening and in person showings? --149.76.xxx.x |
tire kickers and looky lo (by MikeA [TX]) Posted on: Nov 10, 2023 10:53 PM Message:
Sisco, I timed my process last year. It takes me 15 seconds to cut and paste the questions through messenger. Once they respond it takes about 20-30 seconds to read and delete the ones that aren't qualified. So, 45 seconds per response is spent on the unqualified hoards. My goal was less than 1 minute to filter the first round so that I keep my sanity.
I also routinely have 1-200 the first day so I do batches. Take all the message that come in for an hour and repetitively past the questions back. I can cut it down from 15 seconds to less than 5 seconds doing it that way. It still easily takes a couple of hours to process them that first day if you get 200 responses. I don't like waiting too long to respond because the longer I wait the lower the response rate to the questions, I surmise they simply moved on to my competitor.
For the few that make it through, I paste a message to them inviting them to an open house that day (or next day if it's late). I host a 45 minute time slot for an open house at least every other day, daily when it first goes up. I usually have 5-10 families come through that period. I keep track of who's coming, what they've said on their initial response, and take notes on what they say while they are there. If they can't make that time slot then I offer the time for the next day (I do early evening every other day for those that can't get off work). This all goes into the verification process. I usually spend between 5 and 10 minutes talking with each while they are there. I eliminate about 40% of those with inconsistent words VS previous answers or some other glaring issues and another 40% don't fill out an app after seeing it. That leaves maybe 1-2 per hundred to do full screening on. That process takes a good hour per applicant. --209.205.xxx.xx |
tire kickers and looky lo (by Bonanza [NC]) Posted on: Nov 11, 2023 8:30 AM Message:
If you require them to answer an online pre qual question list before talking to them it would save you time on the looky-lous.
You can set up a google form document with the questions.
All prospective tenants get the same response. Just copy and paste in into the text or email.
Here is a copy of what I send:
Thank you for inquiring about our homes for rent.
To see a property, fill out this short questionnaire.
The application & animal policy are attached.
It is also downloadable from our website at:
(put your website here and attach your application and animal policy)
Available properties with pictures and more information can be found here:
(put your zillow link here)
You may have to copy and paste the links
Sincerely the manager
Now your google forms will spill the answers into a google sheet. Look over the answers.
If they answer their credit score is 600,
or they don't make 3x the rent
or they smoke
or whatever your criteria is
you just send a note back that says:
Your response indicates you would not qualify for this rental. Feel free to apply when your circumstances change. Thank you.
This keeps you from wasting your time.
For those that look promising, as mentioned above, set up a group viewing. Send out a cut and paste text or email that says,
Thank you for filling out our rental questionnaire! If you’d like to see this property, we are having a showing Sunday at 3 PM, please let me know if you can attend.
Doing it this way, or some variation of this, will cut down your time dealing with people who won't qualify. People who won't jump through your hoops are people you don't want so this eliminates people who don't follow directions and are not compliant. It also helps with fair housing as everyone is given the same opportunity, the application, and shown a link to all your available properties. Its up to them to move forward.
The downside is you will feel like there is no action to get this rented. The quickest responses are always the desperate people and they will fail your pre-screen. Eventually you will find the right person.
Hope that helps see a different way to do this.
--65.188.xxx.xxx |
tire kickers and looky lo (by S i d [MO]) Posted on: Nov 11, 2023 9:02 AM Message:
Squatters, bad laws, unconstitutional moratoriums eviction extended for 3 years, rent control, refusal to prosecute shop lifters....
I don't think lock boxes are your problem in good ol' Cali.
--184.4.xx.xx |
tire kickers and looky lo (by zero [IN]) Posted on: Nov 11, 2023 10:33 AM Message:
Bonanza, once again your set-up is pretty slick.
I am happy with having my application and lease online, but I need to get a website set up and get the pre-qual questionnaire going.
Should be working on that right now while I am not looking for new tenants. --107.147.xx.xxx |
tire kickers and looky lo (by Jason [VA]) Posted on: Nov 11, 2023 12:04 PM Message:
Zero, there’s no time like the present. We’d communicated in the past but I don’t think you were ready to automate at that time. --172.58.xxx.xxx |
tire kickers and looky lo (by Scottballet [MA]) Posted on: Nov 11, 2023 12:21 PM Message:
My process is similar to Bonaza's. The market here has always supported it.
Very clear and substantial pre-qualification questions eliminate the people I don't want.
I give only 2 options for viewings. A weekday late afternoon/ early evening and a weekend morning.
If they are really interested they make it happen at my convenience.
I would never allow access without myself or representative being there!!!!! --172.58.xxx.xxx |
tire kickers and looky lo (by zero [IN]) Posted on: Nov 11, 2023 2:09 PM Message:
Jason, I am making progress, albeit slowly. I haven't forgotten you. Maybe a couple more hoops to jump thru and then I will come back around. --107.147.xx.xxx |
tire kickers and looky lo (by Ray-N-Pa [PA]) Posted on: Nov 12, 2023 6:55 PM Message:
I think lots of the lockbox showing were back during C-19. I still use lockboxes in the business model but they are for contractors at this point.
I believe every landlord has to balance embracing technology and managing tenant expectations. So often I hear someone talk about someone who just moved in that isn't happy. I have to wonder in all those cases, how good is your resident orientation session? If you don't like facing your residents, you are starting off disabled. --24.101.xxx.xxx |
tire kickers and looky lo (by Chris [CT]) Posted on: Nov 13, 2023 11:49 AM Message:
I would never allow access without me or someone their. All they would have to do is move in and forge a lease. Then you have to evict them.
--32.217.xx.xxx |
tire kickers and looky lo (by Ned [AL]) Posted on: Nov 13, 2023 9:04 PM Message:
Lockbox showings- no problem. --74.132.x.xx |