Bill 184 passed
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Bill 184 passed (by Robert,OntarioCanada [ON]) Oct 24, 2020 12:06 AM
       Bill 184 passed (by myob [GA]) Oct 24, 2020 7:40 AM
       Bill 184 passed (by Robert,OntarioCanada [ON]) Oct 24, 2020 11:10 AM
       Bill 184 passed (by 6x6 [TN]) Oct 24, 2020 1:04 PM
       Bill 184 passed (by Ray-N-Pa [PA]) Oct 24, 2020 1:08 PM
       Bill 184 passed (by RobertOntarioCanada [ON]) Oct 24, 2020 4:59 PM

Bill 184 passed (by Robert,OntarioCanada [ON]) Posted on: Oct 24, 2020 12:06 AM

As a result where two years ago they voted out the Left wing Liberals the Progressive Conservative of Ontario Passed bill 184 where if the tenant voluntary signs a payment plan then defaults can evict while the hearings are backlogged where it may take a year to get a hearing at the Committee Of Social Justice. There has been help for tenants while the previous emergency plan people were getting $1,200 Cdn. per month to cover food and housing where now can apply of UI. It seems there a lot of places looking for help where there is no incentive to find work. The extremist left wing groups said there was going to be mass evictions which did not happen. Some people did not lose a job where they continued working during the pandemic crisis. They held demonstrations where some became violent where some were arrested. Governments should not fund these groups where use the funds to help tenants not some people who are able to buy houses for themselves. You Tube has videos on bill 184. A majority government here can pass legislation without the other parties.

Bill 184 passed (by myob [GA]) Posted on: Oct 24, 2020 7:40 AM

Don't care where your from: notice how when people aren't doing whats RIGHT and THEY don't get THEIR way-- it turns viol ant?

Over the years one lesson learned and quickly: don't think because the conversation is going well with a tenant all is OK. Far from it. Yes and nodding your head up and down--well as long as you keep doing that tenant loves you.

Just say no-- that's right NO and turn your head left and right and watch the flames of hate show themselves.

LL be on your toes.

When you see the word JUSTICE it use to mean for all. NOT any more. Got a laugh out of committee of social justice! We all know what that means-- as long as LL loses and the ME ME's win that's justice.

Bill 184 passed (by Robert,OntarioCanada [ON]) Posted on: Oct 24, 2020 11:10 AM

There is a two tier system of Social Justice in the province of Ontario where government owned rental units easily evict tenants for non payment and other violations. Right now the provincial government is focused on improving the economy where the leftist system needs to be changed. We are fortunate that the leftist were voted out where it would be a lot worse as Bill 184 would never be passed without a majority progressive Conservative government. Legislation can be passed without consulting the other leftist in a majority government. The extreme left tenancy advocate groups do not even represent 0.01 per cent of the population where some of them own their houses as generous government funding. Let some people move in the houses they own then see if they would not evict. The demonstrations did not sway the provincial government as the provincial government is more business oriented. Some were arrested at the demonstrations by the leftist as there was property damage.

Bill 184 passed (by 6x6 [TN]) Posted on: Oct 24, 2020 1:04 PM

It sounds as if where you are that there are basically the same problems as here except for the political party rule.

Bill 184 passed (by Ray-N-Pa [PA]) Posted on: Oct 24, 2020 1:08 PM

I absolutely support protest......but turning to violence is not is starting anarchy.

Maybe there is a better way - but property damage isn't the path to a better way

Bill 184 passed (by RobertOntarioCanada [ON]) Posted on: Oct 24, 2020 4:59 PM

Basically those extreme left wing fringe groups are almost a hate group where they distort the truth from reality. A lot depends on level of education and knowledge of those in the protest. The fringe people tell a lot of complete lies about the rental buildings which are so far from reality where they refuse to provide a address of the buildings they are talking about. Here one of tenants told me the largest slumlord in Canada are the government owned rental units where in the province of Ontario they are exempt from rent control. One building had a problem with the hot water system where it took three months to correct. If that were a private building then tenants could apply for rent reduction under rent control. They changed the name from housing authority to community housing as housing authority had bad reputation. We the rental housing providers are real people who regard the safety and security of tenants seriously. It is easy to be critic with complete lies where there is no real alternative other then vilify private rental housing providers where they never mention the government rental units. Wonder if the government would continue funding them if they really cared about tenants living in slums.

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Bill 184 passed
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