electric heat
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electric heat (by gwen yates [IL]) Jan 21, 2020 5:54 PM
       electric heat (by Jkj [MA]) Jan 21, 2020 6:12 PM
       electric heat (by AllyM [NJ]) Jan 21, 2020 9:08 PM
       electric heat (by NE [PA]) Jan 21, 2020 9:40 PM
       electric heat (by Landlord ofthe Flies [TX]) Jan 21, 2020 9:49 PM
       electric heat (by Barb [MO]) Jan 21, 2020 9:57 PM
       electric heat (by fred [CA]) Jan 22, 2020 8:32 AM
       electric heat (by Nellie [ME]) Jan 22, 2020 8:48 AM
       electric heat (by Robert,OntarioCanada [ON]) Jan 22, 2020 9:39 AM

electric heat (by gwen yates [IL]) Posted on: Jan 21, 2020 5:54 PM

State Specific Question About: ILLINOIS (IL)

What can i do if my electric is rigged up to baseboard heaters!? my bill has sky rocketed to 696% from last year2019 light bill in DEC $429 now in JAN 2020 it's $1,158 this is slum lord activity! I am hooked up to all baseboard heaters in all the apartments! the electric company compared another tenants bill to mine and sure enough my bill was the only one that went up drastically! I need help! --98.212.xx.xxx

electric heat (by Jkj [MA]) Posted on: Jan 21, 2020 6:12 PM

Well Gwen, since you used your full name, there’s the possibility that your LL will see your post with the “slumlord” comment and you may be moving shortly and won’t have to worry about it. --72.93.xxx.xx

electric heat (by AllyM [NJ]) Posted on: Jan 21, 2020 9:08 PM

Call the electric company and have them check to see if your meter is broken. How many units in your rental? Maybe someone else is running off yours too? It has been extra cold this year because the sun is weaker for a few years. How do you separate the light bill from the heat bill? Put plastic over your windows and find a place that is heated by gas and move at the end of your lease. --173.61.xxx.xx

electric heat (by NE [PA]) Posted on: Jan 21, 2020 9:40 PM

If you are 100% certain that this is the case, it's called a "shared metering". Call the power company and tell them what's going on, they will put the power in the owners name until he fixes it. --50.32.xxx.xx

electric heat (by Landlord ofthe Flies [TX]) Posted on: Jan 21, 2020 9:49 PM

Or, you're trying to run baseboard heaters with AC on or with window open, or you're trying to heat the place to 85 deg. All of these would make your heating bill high based on your consumption alone.

Did you use as much heat in Dec as you did in Jan? Is this your first winter in the apt? If you have metered services, I'm sure each tenant is paying their own heating bill.

Did the other tenant's bills run as high as yours did? If so, maybe it's just the cost of heating. Try lowering it to 70 deg and wear sweaters. See if that helps. --108.69.xxx.xxx

electric heat (by Barb [MO]) Posted on: Jan 21, 2020 9:57 PM

Check that all of the windows are fully closed.

One of my tenants was complaining about how cold, and how expensive it was to heat. Every single window was just a little bit open. I went over and closed them all, and amazing it got instantly warmer. Double h7ng windows sometimes need so work to fully close. Also, if there are storm windows, make sure they are closed all the way. --64.251.xxx.xxx

electric heat (by fred [CA]) Posted on: Jan 22, 2020 8:32 AM

My guess: you are using a lot more than you think. --99.59.x.xxx

electric heat (by Nellie [ME]) Posted on: Jan 22, 2020 8:48 AM

January is usually colder than December, ergo higher heating bills. It is important to winterize your apartment to ensure than all the windows are fully closed and to maintain a reasonable temperature of 65-70 degrees. Since it is electric heat, you could also turn the heat down in rooms that you are not using and close the door. Turn the bedroom down to 60-65 during the day when there is no one in there. Some people even sleep in rooms that cold. They never turn the heat up in the bedrooms. When you go to bed at night, turn the heat in the kitchen and living room down. Turn it up when you get up. All ways to control your heat bills. --70.20.xx.xxx

electric heat (by Robert,OntarioCanada [ON]) Posted on: Jan 22, 2020 9:39 AM

Electric heated rental units are next to impossible to rent as electricity is very expensive in the province of Ontario. Insulation in walls, ceiling along with energy efficient windows will reduce heat loss. A high efficiency split heat pump will use half the current of a baseboard heater. It is cheap to install electric baseboard heaters but very expensive to operate. Another option but expensive is to install a high efficiency wall mounted gas boiler in each rental unit. If a building was very well insulated then the building would be net zero where there would no need for a heating or cooling system. R 70 in the ceiling and R 50 in the walls. --147.194.xxx.xx

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