Security Deposit Itemizin
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Security Deposit Itemizin (by Adele [IL]) Aug 7, 2014 5:22 PM
       Security Deposit Itemizin (by Mike45 [NV]) Aug 7, 2014 8:58 PM
       Security Deposit Itemizin (by Karenb [WA]) Aug 8, 2014 4:26 AM

Security Deposit Itemizin (by Adele [IL]) Posted on: Aug 7, 2014 5:22 PM

State Specific Question About: ILLINOIS (IL)

My tenants moved out and left my house in bad shape, I'm trying to figure out how to itemize the damages. When they moved in I had them sign a form "Move Out Charges" and it has a break down of what we charge for different damages or repairs. Would this be enough to use if I go line by line and add up the total covered charges and than deduct that total from their SD? Everything I've read states I need to supply receipts for repairs but I'm doing most of the repairs that are covered in this form. I have pictures to back all the damage claims. Also if anyone has a form I can use to itemize these fee, I would be grateful


Security Deposit Itemizin (by Mike45 [NV]) Posted on: Aug 7, 2014 8:58 PM

I don't think there is any special form you need to use. Just list on a paper all of the repairs that are needed, with the cost of each one. Then, total them up.

You said you have photos -- that is the most important part!

And do the SD accounting on time!

Security Deposit Itemizin (by Karenb [WA]) Posted on: Aug 8, 2014 4:26 AM

Here's one you can use. Hope it helps. Pics and receipts are with you.

Security Deposit Refund Form

Date: _______________

Tenant's Name: _________________________

Address of Rental Unit: ____________________________________________________________

Total Deposit Amount Received from Tenant: $ _______________

Reason(s) for Security Deposit Deduction Amount

1. _______________________________________________________ $ _______________

2. _______________________________________________________ $ _______________

3. _______________________________________________________ $ _______________

4. _______________________________________________________ $ _______________

5. _______________________________________________________ $ _______________

Total Amount of Security Deposit Deductions: $ ______________

Security Deposit Interest Payable to Tenant: $ _____N/A_______ (if applicable)

Total Amount of Security Deposit Returned: $ _______________

As required by law, you are hereby notified that a negative credit report reflecting on your credit record may be submitted to a credit reporting agency if you fail to fulfill the terms of your rental obligations.

Landlord’s Signature: _________________________

Landlord's Name: _________________________

Modify it to your needs. --77.31.xx.x

Subject: RE: Security Deposit Itemizin
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Security Deposit Itemizin
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