AC may have been stolen by anyone.
Here's our procedure:
-document ALL your actions. If this gets to court, you MUST demonstrate how you acted in a reasonable and businesslike manner, giving the res MANY opportunities to communicate with you.
-call utils. If off, ask if the res called in a shut off order or shut off for non-payment.
If res called it in, that's s great sign of abandonment
-call emergency contacts. We now require 4 per adult at lease signing.
-re-work their application - contact employer, references, etc.
-call the jail. shows people in lockup.
-take pictures of the stuff. Are these unwanted clothes and junk, or good personal items like TV, computer, food in fridge, blankets/pillows for sleeping or just mattresses?
-clothes and furniture can be a fooler. Some much is available so cheap that many just leave it.
-some people only take what they can cram into a car and go. I swear most of my skips must become protected witnesses and disappear!
-I post an ABANDONED PROPERTY notice on the door. Jeffrey just printed my form in his newsletter.
I check off common items which indicate abandoned such as utils off, door unlocked, non-responsive to calls and door notices, non-paymnet of rent, no edible food, no recent meal preparation, no sleeping items other than mattress (they leave those for YOU!)
-take a picture of the notice you posted on the door.
-talk to the neighbors. "Yeah, they packed up a truck last week - ain't seen em since". Also ask them to call you if they see the res.
-after the time allotted on the notice (I give 24 hours), we start packing up their stuff but DO NOT remove it.
Start by tossing the spoilables and stinkees.
We DO NOT change the locks yet because I WANT them to come back and take their stuff without breaking a window
legally you do not have possession.
By now a few days have passed.
-If we have done all these steps to contact the res, and still no response,
take more pictures to show you handled their personal property with care,
we pile it on a trailer and deliver it to her Mom's house.
Do NOT throw it away!!!!!