Garnishment USPS employee (by V&R [IL]) Dec 18, 2012 9:12 AM
Garnishment USPS employee (by Moshe [CA]) Dec 18, 2012 9:55 AM
Garnishment USPS employee (by John... [MI]) Dec 18, 2012 10:54 AM
Garnishment USPS employee (by John... [MI]) Dec 18, 2012 10:54 AM
Garnishment USPS employee (by V&R [IL]) Dec 18, 2012 11:01 AM
Garnishment USPS employee (by John... [MI]) Dec 18, 2012 11:07 AM
Garnishment USPS employee (by John... [MI]) Dec 18, 2012 11:10 AM
Garnishment USPS employee (by John... [MI]) Dec 18, 2012 11:11 AM
Garnishment USPS employee (by BRAD 20,000 [IN]) Dec 18, 2012 3:41 PM
Garnishment USPS employee (by Orbany [IL]) Dec 18, 2012 6:33 PM
Garnishment USPS employee (by Kyle [IN]) Dec 18, 2012 9:09 PM
Garnishment USPS employee (by BRAD 20,000 [IN]) Dec 18, 2012 10:04 PM
Garnishment USPS employee (by V&R [IL]) Dec 19, 2012 9:13 PM
Garnishment USPS employee (by John... [MI]) Dec 20, 2012 7:30 AM
Garnishment USPS employee (by Kevin [MS]) Sep 8, 2013 12:20 PM
Garnishment USPS employee (by Sparky [PA]) Sep 8, 2013 12:34 PM
Garnishment USPS employee (by V&R [IL]) Posted on: Dec 18, 2012 9:12 AM Message:
State Specific Question About: ILLINOIS (IL)
We have an X tenant that works for the USPS. We are garnishing him from Illinois, but the garnishment has to be served in MN. USPS cashed our check that we have to pay to garnish an employee and then sent the garnishment back saying they couldn't process without a SSN. The state of IL will not allow SSN's on any court documents. Has anyone ever ran into this problem |
Garnishment USPS employee (by Moshe [CA]) Posted on: Dec 18, 2012 9:55 AM Message:
What about the tenant's original Application to Rent? Doesn't it show SSN, and bear his signature attesting that it is true? |
Garnishment USPS employee (by John... [MI]) Posted on: Dec 18, 2012 10:54 AM Message:
Indeed -- do you have the SSN or not? If you HAVE it, then I'd just send it to with the garnishment request to MN. Really shouldn't have anything to do with what IL allows on their documents.
If I sent a garnishment request here in MI without an SSN, it would pretty much be ignored also.
- John... |
Garnishment USPS employee (by John... [MI]) Posted on: Dec 18, 2012 10:54 AM Message:
Followup: If you are saying that you don't even HAVE the SSN, then that's a different issue (that you should correct for all FUTURE tenants immediately)...
- John... |
Garnishment USPS employee (by V&R [IL]) Posted on: Dec 18, 2012 11:01 AM Message:
No. I have SSN. The courts won't allow garnishment to go with the number included! |
Garnishment USPS employee (by John... [MI]) Posted on: Dec 18, 2012 11:07 AM Message:
I don't see what the IL courts have to do with you filling out MN paperwork to garnish someone in that state. You should be following MN law and filling out their state forms for garnishment. If their state forms require an SSN, then put it on there. I don't think that IL law can override MN state law when you are performing a legal garnishment in that state.
- John... |
Garnishment USPS employee (by John... [MI]) Posted on: Dec 18, 2012 11:10 AM Message:
Oh, wait -- read part of that wrong.
So they WORK in IL, but IL doesn't allow SSN to go on their garnishment paperwork, correct? And USPS is refusing it?
Do you actually send the garnishment to a USPS location in IL? Or does it go somewhere else? I don't know if USPS employees are paid from an in-state place or out-of-state. If it is OUT of state, then I'd do the paperwork for that state. If it is IN state, then I'd follow up with whatever you state allows for when an employer refuses the do the garnishment.
If state law allows garnishment without an SSN, then the USPS refusing to do it is likely a violation of garnishment rules. (It would be here in Michigan.) In which case, there is a process to basically sue the company (USPS) for not processing the garnishment properly.
But, again, that is assuming it is all in-state. If the USPS responding is from OUT of state -- then I would follow THAT state's law for garnishment and include the SSN.
- John... |
Garnishment USPS employee (by John... [MI]) Posted on: Dec 18, 2012 11:11 AM Message:
As I read it yet AGAIN, I realize that I really can't tell. Exactly WHERE does this person WORK? In MN?? Or IL??
- John... |
Garnishment USPS employee (by BRAD 20,000 [IN]) Posted on: Dec 18, 2012 3:41 PM Message:
So give the SS# to the office that needs it. |
Garnishment USPS employee (by Orbany [IL]) Posted on: Dec 18, 2012 6:33 PM Message:
IL laws regarding tenant/landlord issues SUCK! They always favor the tenant. If a landlord makes a minor mistake (ie: Tenant's name is spelled "Jon" and you write "Jan" they will dismiss it because it's not the same person. Also, if you serve the tenant with a 5-day notice, fill out the eviction form and pay the sherriff to serve the person, Crook County, IL court will delay the action if the sheriff did not serve. This is, even if the tenant is standing behind you in line waiting for his/her turn to check in. Doesn't matter if the tenant says, "I'm here to see if I have to be in court today for an eviction. If the sheriff can not mysteriously find the person, sitting next to him/her in a donut shop with a name tag containing the person's name and address, sheriff will not see the person. Well, unless the server tries to charge the sheriff for the donuts. Yeah, they expect to receive FREE meals. If they have to pay, that's a huge insult...the business will suffer the consequences later. |
Garnishment USPS employee (by Kyle [IN]) Posted on: Dec 18, 2012 9:09 PM Message:
When I observed court one time, the judge specifically told a landlord who was working on collecting from a tenant that USPS is terrible to work with on garnishments. They require all the forms to be processed through a central office (I'm guessing in MN from this post) and they often will stop the garnishment after a few pay periods and make you jump through hoops to get it started again. Talk to the court clerk to see if they have any tips. |
Garnishment USPS employee (by BRAD 20,000 [IN]) Posted on: Dec 18, 2012 10:04 PM Message:
A thought: our court will not allow SS# on public documents, but it REQUIRES SS# on garnishment paperwork. |
Garnishment USPS employee (by V&R [IL]) Posted on: Dec 19, 2012 9:13 PM Message:
The employee works in Missouri. Lived in Illinois. All garnishments have to be mailed by Illinois court house (because that's is where we have the judgement) to the sheriff department in MN. Illinois does not allow SSN's on any paperwork going out, USPS doesn't allow any garnishments without SSN'S. But USPS did cash my check for the fee I had to pay them for submitting a garnishment! |
Garnishment USPS employee (by John... [MI]) Posted on: Dec 20, 2012 7:30 AM Message:
I don't get why "all garnishments have to be mailed by Illinois court house" to them. That sounds like some IL law -- which, again, would NOT APPLY to MN.
If I am sending garnishment paperwork to MN -- then I would just use their proper paperwork and SEND IT MYSELF with the SSN. I don't see why the IL courts are involved at this point. Here, once we have a legal debt owed to garnish, then we fill out the paperwork and have it delivered to the employer. The courts are no longer involved.
So, can you explain why "all garnishments have to be mailed by IL court house"? It shouldn't matter where the garnishment is. You should be able to follow MN law on garnishing and give them whatever paperwork they want -- sent directly from you to them as long as MN law allows that (which I would assume they do).
You are filing a garnishment to an employer with an address in MN. Stop following IL law for that, IMO.
- John... |
Garnishment USPS employee (by Kevin [MS]) Posted on: Sep 8, 2013 12:20 PM Message:
On garnishment documents going out in MI, there is a box for the SSN of the individual being garnished - you mean this is not the case with IL doocuments? |
Garnishment USPS employee (by Sparky [PA]) Posted on: Sep 8, 2013 12:34 PM Message:
I would send the paperwork back to them redacted. |