here's a copy and paste from maybe 10 years ago:
The Hotel and Multiple Dwelling regulations establish heating standards for buildings with three (3) or more units. For buildings with fewer than three (3) units, tenants need to contact their local building or health offi ces for enforcement of local ordinances regarding heating. Every unit or dwelling space must have a heating system that will provide and maintain heat at a temperature of 68 degrees F. The landlord is responsible for maintaining a temperature of at least 68 degrees F. from October 1 to May 1, from 6:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. and 65 degrees F. at other hours, supplying the required fuel or energy, and maintaining the heating system in good condition so that it can provide the required amount of heat. However, a landlord and a tenant may agree that the tenant will supply heat to a dwelling unit when the unit is served by separate heating equipment and the source of that heat
can be separately computed and billed.
The State Board of Public Utilities (BPU)
enforces regulations that prohibit utility
companies from shutting off utilities in tenant-occupied buildings whose owners have and the Regulations for the Maintenance of Hotels and Multiple Dwellings. Every
owner of a multiple dwelling that has three (3) or more units in a building structure
or a hotel must fi le a certifi cate of registration with the Bureau. Multiple dwellings
and hotels are required to be inspected at least once every fi ve (5) years.
The Hotel and Multiple Dwelling Law gives the Commissioner of the Department
of Community Affairs power to issue and enforce regulations and to levy penalties
to ensure that multiple dwellings are maintained so that they do not endanger the
health, safety or welfare of the tenants or the general public. Both landlords and
tenants must maintain buildings so that there is no violation of these regulations.
Tenants must take care of their units and report any code violations to the
landlord or superintendent and upon one-day notice, shall allow the landlord or
his representative to enter the unit to make any inspections, repairs or alterations
required in order to meet code requirements. In case of an emergency, immediate
access shall be granted. (57) The landlord must keep the property in good repair, clean,
free of infestation and free of any hazards or nuisances that might be harmful to the
health or safety of the occupants, and must provide basic maintenance, including
heat, building security, smoke alarm systems, or detectors and properly functioning
plumbing and electrical systems, etc.