Vincent, you should check your local codes to determine what your state requires. In MA it's May 31 & a quick search for NJ show that it's May 15.
For MA - 410.180 Temperature requirements
Regulation requires temperatures of at least 64 degrees Fahrenheit at night and 68 degrees during the day from September 15 to May 31. Temperatures should not exceed 78 degrees. A Board of Health may alter the heating season to start September 30 and end May 15, so check the applicable municipality website for notice.
For NJ - Utility requirements
From October 1st to May 15th, the rental premises shall be maintained at a temperature of at
least 68 degrees Fahrenheit between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m.; between the hours
of 11:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. the rental premises shall be maintained at a temperature of at least
65 degrees Fahrenheit. The hot water temperature should be maintained at a minimum of 120 degrees and a maximum of a 160 degrees Fahrenheit.
Utility companies are prohibited from shutting off utilities in tenant-occupied buildings whose owners have failed to make payments, without first notifying the tenant of the impending disconnection. Before disconnecting utility services, the utility company must give the tenant an
opportunity to agree to make future payments.