Free Form

ADDRESS: ______________________________________________

$_________________________ Estimated sales price after fix-up.

$_________________________ Down Payment
$_________________________ Closing Cost
$_________________________ Appraisal
$_________________________ Termite
$_________________________ Miscellaneous
$_________________________ Total Expense To Buy

$_________________________ Rehab budget
$_________________________ Cost overruns (+ or - 10%)
$_________________________ Total Rehab costs

$_________________________ Payment for _____ months
$_________________________ Property tax
$_________________________ Insurance
$_________________________ Cost of your capital
$_________________________ Estimated cost of your time
$_________________________ Total Holding Costs

$_________________________ Advertising costs
$_________________________ Commission
$_________________________ Sale closing costs
$_________________________ Total sales costs

$_________________________ Sales price (then subtract the following)
$_________________________ Mortgage payoffs
$_________________________ Expense to buy (from above)
$_________________________ Total rehab costs (from above)
$_________________________ Total holding costs (from above)
$_________________________ Total sales costs (from above)

$_________________________ EQUALS YOUR PROFIT!

This sample worksheet is from the book UNLIMITED RICHES by Robert Shemin.

If you need financing for rental property, click here to learn about special investor finance programs!