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Wealth Building Books:Home Study Courses



PRICE: $399.95

This course created by Dot Taylor a.k.a Mrs. Landlord, provides effective ways for couples to work together without going insane. Dot is a business consultant and mentor to hundreds. She has taught real estate investors and business entrepreneurs nationally how to build wealth for over twenty five years. Dot receives requests to give business workshops nationwide on how to leverage your business assets and also trains couples and business partners how to work together effectively without going insane.

Dot, "Mrs. Landlord" and Jeffrey (founder of have worked together "closely" in all their businesses for over 30 years. She has learned a lot in regards to how to work together to form a winning team, and how not go insane in the process. By the way, working together does not always mean that both persons have to play a fully active role in the business. Sometimes just knowing different ways to offer support can increase the productivity level of the more active partner. And for those looking to have their spouse more involved, Dot shares many key secrets to increase the chances of greater involvement and enjoyment of the process by both partners.

In Dot's Course, Real Estate Couples Winning Together, here are just some of things you will learn more of:

* How to Establish Clarity in Each Partner's Roles

* How to Increase Involvement and Excitement Level of Both Partners

* How Not to Drive Each Other Crazy In the Process of Working Together

* How to Make Sure Your Best Player is Not Just Sitting on the Bench

* How to Establish Goals that BOTH Partners Stay Excited About and Desire to Pursue

* How to Develop a Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly and Annual Business "Getaway" Meetings that Enhance Your Business and Your Relationship

* Little Things Both Partners Can Do on a Regular Basis To Keep FUN and Respect in the Relationship

* How to Maintain the Home/work Environment for Maximum Peace as well as Productivity

* How to Keep All Things in a Healthy Perspective/Balance between Business and Relationship for Long-Term Success for Both Aspects!

Dot's main course includes 4 audio CDs:

* Formal training audio CD titled "Effective Ways for Couples to Work Together Daily"

* 1-on-1 "hot seat" session with Dot Taylor and a real estate couple

* Recorded audio Roundtable discussion "for women only"

* An informal LIVE workshop titled, "Working Together without Going Insane"

PLUS!* Receive a Winning Together Couples Workbook

* Dozens of written mini-Interview responses with landlording couples

* 1 bonus audio interview with a successful real estate couple as they share some of their "secrets" and strategies for having a successful business relationship and marriage.

* This course also includes a CD-ROM with helpful forms from the workbook(s).

Check what one landlord has to say about this invaluable course:

"Dear Dot,

I just wanted to put pen to paper and thank you for saving our investment business!! In 2003 my husband attended the third annual Mr. convention and met Jeffrey. He came back very excited and wanted to grow our investments. At the time we had 7 rentals. I wanted to get rid of them. We disagreed after about what to do. Then saw your cruise opportunity and I wanted to go on a nice vacation so I thought. I could show interest about investing and get a fun trip, but, I thought as frugal as he was he would say NO.

He did at first, but he wanted me in the business with the same goals and desires more than he wanted to save money and take a 'cheaper' trip. So we came on the cruise. We attended all the speakers' seminars on the cruise, but my excitement about this business came when you spoke!! You spoke about working together and using each others' strengths, doing what we enjoyed, and to hire someone to do the rest. You talked about working on common goals and future benefits. I could not wait to get started on our business back home. I wanted to find a passion for me inside that business.

Today we have over 75 properties and we are growing. I have made almost as many deals as my husband. We help others by telling and educating them about this business, and we do what we love. Thanks Dot for helping me stay in love and in this business. -- Carol H. (KS)"

The price for this course is $399.95 with FREE shipping!

PRICE: $399.95

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